金鸾用英语怎么说 金鸾的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-23 12:50:10千浔

金鸾用英语说"float gold",还可以翻译为hui wu,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到30个与金鸾相关释义和例句。

1. Asian Golden Cat (Catopuma temmincki)

2. i worked with that woman so 金月凤long bit tired dience grass is always greener, you know Well

金鸾用英语怎么说 金鸾的英语翻译

译文:我跟金月凤那合作这么久 有点腻了 观众是喜新厌旧你知道嘛。

3. My sole wish is to dispel the dous of fellow Shinran followers.

4. Ginnie, Ginnie, Ginnie, please.

5. Fear Luan Luan r, r had blred, has expeenced the vicissitudes of life of unreal world.


6. "Silver, gold, silver, gold,

7. KiM Sung-geun. KiM Sung-geun?

8. The character bbon held in phoenix's mouth is homophonic to character longevity in Chinese.

9. Such an honor is too great for Wu Luan
