iced是什么意思 iced的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-26 20:47:05与你笑谈


iced是什么意思 iced的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:iced coffee(冰咖啡)、iced tea(冰茶)、iced water(冰水)、iced cream(冰淇淋)

短语:get iced(受到冷淡对待)、iced over(结冰)、iced up(结冰)



1. I ordered an iced coffee to cool me down on this sweltering day.(我点了一杯冰咖啡来降温,因为今天天气太热了。)

2. She put the beer in the fridge to get it iced before the party.(她把啤酒放在冰箱里让它变得冰凉,在派对之前。)

3. The lake has completely iced over in this cold snap.(在这一次严寒中,这个湖已经完全结冰了。)

4. The bartender iced up the gles before serving the customers.(酒吧员在为顾客服务前把杯子冰起来了。)

5. After the argument, he felt completely iced out by his former friends.(争吵之后,他感到被他的前朋友完全冷落了。)




1. I'll have an iced coffee, please. (请给我来一杯冰咖啡。)

2. The iced water is very refreshing on a hot day. (炎热的天气里,喝冰水非常清爽。)

3. She loves to eat iced desserts, especially during the summer. (她喜欢吃冰冻甜品,尤其是在夏天。)




例句:Mr. saint-of-the-city got iced by someone he knew? (纽约的大圣人是被熟人杀了 Mr. saint -of)


例句:Yes, you're fragile simply like the brilliant and crystal light iced craftworks, elegant, cold, firm and fragile. (是的,你是脆弱的,就像晶莹剔透的工艺品,精美、冷凝、坚固、脆弱。)


例句:METHODS: All cases were random iced into two groups, 33 cases in azasetron group and 30 cases in ondansetron group. (方法:采用随机对照的临床研究方法,其中盐酸阿扎司琼组33例,昂丹司琼组30例。)


例句:Wake up and smell the iced Venti Caramel Macchiato. You know I'm onto something. (翻译:醒醒, 闻闻冰焦糖玛奇雅朵咖啡 你知道的我在说什么)


iced一般作为形容词使用,如在iced chamber(冷冻房)、iced coffee(冰咖啡)、iced coffees(冰咖啡)等常见短语中出现较多。

iced chamber冷冻房
iced coffee冰咖啡
iced coffees冰咖啡
iced containment冰安全壳
iced cream[网络] 奶油
iced creams冰淇淋
iced firm【水文学】冻结粒雪
iced firn冻结粒雪
iced intestine[医] 糖衣肠, 慢性纤维包裹性腹膜炎


1. METHODS: All cases were random iced into two groups, 33 cases in azasetron group and 30 cases in ondansetron group. (翻译:方法:采用随机对照的临床研究方法,其中盐酸阿扎司琼组33例,昂丹司琼组30例。)

2. Wake up and smell the iced Venti Caramel Macchiato. You know I'm onto something. (翻译:醒醒, 闻闻冰焦糖玛奇雅朵咖啡 你知道的我在说什么)

3. Try an egg-tart or a cup of iced yin-yeung; a popular blend of tea and coffee. (翻译:试试这里的蛋挞或者来一杯冻鸳鸯:一种混合了茶和咖啡的流行饮料。)

4. Over an iced soy americano. (翻译:并且点一杯美式冰奶咖 over an iced soy Americano.)

5. Muse, why don't you make us four iced cappuccinos, please. (翻译:please. {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})

6. ♪ New iced-out watch, chilling all the time... ♪ (翻译:♪冰手表, 让人不寒而栗所有的时间... ♪)

7. Not simply to the flanks of the mountains, but to the very iced peaks which are the destiny of the pilgrims. (翻译:我们不仅到了山的侧翼, 也到了冰雪覆盖的山顶,也就是朝圣的目的地。)

8. Other iced coffees contained more than 450 calories and the majority had an excess of 200. (翻译:其他冰咖啡含有超过450卡路里的热量,其中大多数冰咖啡的卡路里超过的量都达到200。)

9. An iced orangeade then, please. (翻译:那么请来一杯冰镇橙汁吧。)

10. He had a few bites of a ham sandwich and a couple of sips of iced tea at noontime . (翻译:中午的时候,他吃了几口火腿三明治,喝了几口冰茶。)

11. If you'll excuse me, I think I need to freshen up my iced tea. (翻译:如果你不介意的话,我想我 需要梳洗我的冰茶。)

12. Brew into all BUNN iced tea dispensers (except TDS-5) and 1.9 to 3.8 litre airports and baseless servers. (翻译:酿造后的饮料可直接注入可移动式储茶桶及1.9至3.8公升的真空保温瓶中。)

13. Not simply to the flanks of the mountains, but to the very iced peaks which are the destiny of the pilgrims. (翻译:我们不仅到了山的侧翼, 也到了冰雪覆盖的山顶,也就是朝圣的目的地。)

14. The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. (翻译:该税将适用于普通汽水和无糖汽水,以及其他添加糖的饮料,例如佳得乐和冰茶。)

15. This is not whiskey. This is iced tea. If you gave me real whiskey... (翻译:这不是威士忌,是冰红茶 要是你给我真的威士忌...)


