stature是什么意思 stature的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-04 18:37:57—懒’牛*


stature是什么意思 stature的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. full stature:完全身材

2. grow in stature:成长,变得更优秀

3. towering stature:高大的身材

4. short stature:矮小的身材

5. moral stature:道德水平

6. intellectual stature:智力水平

7. political stature:地位




1. Her stature is quite tall, almost six feet.(她的身高相当高,将近六英尺。)

2. He has grown in stature since he started working at the company.(自从他在公司工作以来,他的地位已经提高了。)

3. The towering stature of the mountain range was awe-inspiring.(山脉高耸的身影令人惊叹。)

4. His short stature never stopped him from achieving his goals.(他矮小的身材从未阻止他实现自己的目标。)

5. The moral stature of the politician was questioned after the scandal.(家的道德水平在丑闻后受到了质疑。)

6. Her intellectual stature was recognized by her peers in the academic community.(她在学术界被同行们认可了她的智力水平。)

7. The politician's rise in political stature was due to his successful policy implementations.(家在地位上的崛起归功于他成功的政策实施。)




1. He was a man of great stature in the business world. (他是商界地位崇高的人物。)

2. His small stature made him appear younger than his age. (他身材矮小,看起来比年龄年轻。)

3. The basketball player's towering stature made him an intimidating presence on the court. (篮球运动员高大的身材使他在球场上成为一种令人生畏的存在。)

4. Her remarkable achievement in the field of science has raised her stature in the academic community. (她在科学领域的杰出成就提升了她在学术界的地位。)




例句:To love everybody, he sometimes did not see the very closest ones, and that is inevitable for men of his stature. (而为了爱每个人, 他有时候却忽略了最亲近的人, 这是像他这样的人所无法避免的。)


例句:It's more than his physical stature that makes him remarkable. (不单单是他的身高使他气宇非凡。)


例句:He has excellent judgement, enormous stature and great charm. (我觉得他判断准确 高大伟岸 极富人格魅力 He has excellent judgement, enormous stature and great charm.)


例句:it was mostly a result of improved nutrition, which also resulted in taller stature, longer lifespans, and better overall health. (翻译:很多程度上这来自于营养的改善,并导致身高的增加,寿命的延长以及更好的综合健康健康。)


stature一般作为名词使用,如在disabling stature([法] 剥夺资格法)、medium stature(中等身材)、short stature(身材矮小症)等常见短语中出现较多。

disabling stature[法] 剥夺资格法
medium stature中等身材
short stature身材矮小症
tall stature高身材
familial short stature家族性身材矮小
short stature syndrome矮身体综合征


1. He has excellent judgement, enormous stature and great charm. (翻译:我觉得他判断准确 高大伟岸 极富人格魅力 He has excellent judgement, enormous stature and great charm.)

2. it was mostly a result of improved nutrition, which also resulted in taller stature, longer lifespans, and better overall health. (翻译:很多程度上这来自于营养的改善,并导致身高的增加,寿命的延长以及更好的综合健康健康。)

3. You see you and Ursula together would be unbefitting [5] her social stature. (翻译:你知道你和俄苏拉在一起不适合她的社会地位。)

4. It'd be difficult for a man of your stature to keep in touch with even half the people you know. (翻译:像你这种神龙见首不见尾的人 恐怕很难和别人保持联络)

5. Because of his comparatively small stature, Wam was ostracized in the Yuzzum hunting parties. (翻译:由于身材相对矮小,万被排除在了亚扎姆狩猎队之外。)

6. Tournament director Steve Simon is well aware of Henin's glowing stature and marketability, both on and off the court. (翻译:赛事总监史蒂夫西蒙自然知道海宁在网坛的显赫地位,以及她的巨大商业价值,自然包括场内场外。)

7. "Stature," Mr Steckel writes, "is a good measure of deprivation but not of opulence." (翻译:Steckel写道:“身高是测量剥削程度的标准,而不是富裕程度的标准。” )

8. The orchestra has grown in stature. (翻译:这支管弦乐队的声望有所提高。)

9. To love everybody, he sometimes did not see the very closest ones, and that is inevitable for men of his stature. (翻译:而为了爱每个人, 他有时候却忽略了最亲近的人, 这是像他这样的人所无法避免的。)

10. Tolkien wrote in Letter #246: "The form he took was that of a man of more than human stature, but not gigantic. " (翻译:托尔金在第246号信件中写道“他的身形比人类大的多,但没有达到巨人级。”)

11. - You legitimized him. Man of your stature goes to Florida to see that schmuck? (翻译:你拱他出线 你这种大人物亲自跑到佛州...)

12. And in your opinion, what's going on up there has "moral stature"? (翻译:在道德层面也要有高的品格 那您怎么看 楼上那帮 品格高尚之人)

13. I meant intellectual stature, Humphrey. (翻译:是说他境界伟岸 汉弗莱 I meant intellectual stature, Humphrey.)

14. Trees are wonderful arenas for discovery because of their tall stature, their complex structure, the biodiversity they foster and their quiet beauty. (翻译:树木是一片有趣的值得探索的领域 因为树木挺拔,结构也复杂 它们培育了生物多样性,它们宁静又美丽 )

15. Between the lifetimes of Einstein and Newton, there lived another genius, one of equal stature. (翻译:在爱因斯坦与牛顿之间 Between the lifetimes of Einstein and Newton, 还出现了另一位天才 there lived another genius, 与他们同样伟大 one of equal stature.)


