程日用英语怎么说 程日的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-15 07:15:08幻蕾

程通常被翻译为"dinalvaation"意思,还经常被译作dinal vaation,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到21个与程相关译文和例句。

程日用英语怎么说 程日的英语翻译

1. Still the prettiest girl in the world.

2. it will still be west of here o days fm now.

3. - it was the most horble dream.

4. Just do me a favor, Just one favor.

5. "Midwife still missing. Presumed dead. "

6. - Sam Ching. When Sam Ching wants a woman

7. - You'd better see the medic.

8. The most betiful girl in the world.

9. You're better off slicking it back.

10. Jade's not worth getting upset about.

11. We'll go back to doing what i do best...

12. Sometimes the long shots pay off the biggest.

13. We'll keep the youngest and the prettiest as my women,
