omar是什么意思 omar的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-15 20:15:10别服软

omar是什么意思 omar的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 人名:Omar是伯名字,意为“长寿”的意思。这个名字在撒哈拉以南的非洲和中东地区很流行。


- Omar is a popular name in the Arab world.

- Omar Sharif was a famous Egyptian actor.

- Omar Khayyam was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet.

- Omar Bradley was a U.S. general during World War II.

2. 地名:Omar也可以是一个地名,如Omar Khayyam餐厅、Omar Park等。


- The Omar Khayyam restaurant serves delicious Persian food.

- Omar Park is a popular spot for picnics and outdoor activities.

3. 缩写词:Omar也可以代表一些缩写词,如:

- Opioid Maintenance and Recovery program:类药物维持治疗计划

- Out of Memory and Resources:内存和资源不足

- Overseas Medical Assistance and Rescue:海外医疗援助和救援


- The hospital offers an Opioid Maintenance and Recovery program for patients with addiction problems.

- My computer crashed because it ran out of memory and resources (OOMAR).

- The emby provides Overseas Medical Assistance and Rescue for American citizens in emergencies.

4. 其他:Omar也可能代表一些其他内容,如 O+mar代表积极的O型血型(指在O型血型基础上具有更积极的性格)。


- The O+mar blood type is ociated with a more energetic and outgoing personality.


1. Omar is a popular name in the Arab world.(Omar是伯世界中很普遍的名字。)

2. The Omar Khayyam restaurant serves delicious Persian food.(Omar Khayyam餐厅供应美味的波斯美食。)

3. The hospital offers an Opioid Maintenance and Recovery program for patients with addiction problems.(医院为有成瘾问题的病人提供类药物维持治疗计划。)

4. My computer crashed because it ran out of memory and resources (OOMAR).(我的电脑崩溃了,因为它没有足够的内存和资源。)

5. The O+mar blood type is ociated with a more energetic and outgoing personality.(O+mar血型与更积极、外向的个性有关。)



1. . (Omar is my favorite friend.)

2. . (A woman named Omarah came to visit the sheikh.)

3. . (Amr works in a big company.)

4. . (Prince Omar is the tallest among all the princes.)

5. . (Look at Omar, how he smiles.)

6. . (Imran bought a new house.)

7. . (Amr loves to travel and discover new places.)

8. . (Amr loves sports and runs daily.)

9. 30 . (Omar will celebrate his 30th birthday in two weeks.)





1. Omar is a talented musician. (是一位有才华的音乐家。)

2. My neighbor's name is Omar. (我的邻居名叫。)




例句:Davis conspired with lapointe to have omar killed. (Davis和Lapointe合谋要杀害Omar)


例句:Omar Torrijos, president of Panama was, you know, one of my favorite people. (我最喜欢的人之一, 巴拿马总统. 托里霍斯.)


omar一般作为名词使用,如在Omar Khayyam(奥玛开阳(1025?-1133, 波斯诗人及天文学家))、omar khayyams(奥玛开阳(1025?-1133, 波斯诗人及天文学家)\n(omar khayyam 的复数))、Omar Sharif([网络] 奥玛雪瑞夫;沙里夫;奥玛沙里夫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Omar Khayyam奥玛开阳(1025?-1133, 波斯诗人及天文学家)
omar khayyams奥玛开阳(1025?-1133, 波斯诗人及天文学家)\n(omar khayyam 的复数)
Omar Sharif[网络] 奥玛雪瑞夫;沙里夫;奥玛沙里夫
Omar stanza= Rubaiyat stanza
Sidi Omar[地名] 西迪欧麦尔 ( 埃 )


1. Why are you trying to get omar risha into the u.S.? (翻译:为什么你想让Omar Risha来美国?)

2. And we're enterprising it so that Omar won't have to hide no more. (翻译:我们办成了企业,这样就不用再躲藏了)

3. Omar is one of my most trusted operators. Listen, lady. (翻译:是我最信任的一个眼线 {\fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000}Omar is one of my most trusted operators.)

4. It's a Sunstar company, Omar Shaheed. (翻译:Sunstar出租车公司 Omar Shaheed)

5. Close to the water towers in Elwak, Khadija Omar is standing over the body of the last of her 50 goats. (翻译:艾尔沃克的水塔附近,Khadija Omar正站在她50只羊的最后一只的尸体旁。)

6. Maulvi Omar was the main spokesman for the organization and a close aide to Baitullah Mehsud, its leader. (翻译:大毛拉是该组织的重要发言人,同时也是贝图拉马哈苏德的亲密助手。)

7. The kid's got another brother that drove for Omar, all right? (翻译:那个孩子还有一个兄弟在给开车,知道吗?)

8. That is unless you tell me where Omar Malek is. (翻译:也就是说,除非你告诉 我在那里马利克的。)

9. I want to share with you this series by Senegalese artist Omar Victor Diop. (翻译:我想与你们分享这个系列的作品 它们是塞内加尔的摄影师奥 马尔 维克多 迪奥普的作品。)

10. One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker . (翻译:想想牧羊人阿摩司,石匠苏格拉底,帐蓬制造人。)

11. - Everything will be fine,Madam President. (翻译:- Omar... - 一切都会没事的 总统阁下)

12. We have to stop Omar and his gang Their accounts are in your computer (翻译:我们必须阻止和他的团伙 他们的账户就在你的电脑里 请帮帮我)

13. It was a five-minute walk from the village to the land of Omar Guindo. (翻译:从小村子出发,步行五分钟,我们来到了金多的农田。)

14. Omar Khan was one of 11 villagers the Guardian interviewed about the airstrike. (翻译:罕是《卫报》记者就空袭采访的11个村民之一。)

15. There are Omar Mukhtar streets-benghazi has one-and there is an Omar Mukhtar University, in Bayda; his face is on one of the banknotes. (翻译:利比亚有穆赫塔尔街——班加西就有一条——还有拜达的穆赫塔尔大学,钞票上也有他的头像。)


