buffet是什么意思 buffet的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-18 11:45:14小永恒

buffet是什么意思 buffet的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. buffet breakfast 自助早餐

2. buffet car 铁路餐车

3. cold buffet 冷餐自助

4. buffet meal 自助餐

5. buffet reception 自助酒会

6. buffet style 自助餐式

7. seafood buffet 海鲜自助餐


1. buffet line 自助餐排队区

2. buffet server 自助餐服务员

3. buffet lunch 自助午餐

4. buffet dinner 自助晚餐

5. buffet table 自助餐桌



1. I prefer the buffet to the set menu.(我喜欢自助餐胜过套餐。)

2. We went to the seafood buffet last night.(昨晚我们去了海鲜自助餐。)

3. Can I get some cheese from the buffet table?(我可以从自助餐桌上拿一些奶酪吗?)

4. The ship was buffeted by strong waves.(船只受到了强风浪的冲击。)

5. He was buffeted by critics for his controversial remarks.(他因为有争议的言论而受到了评论家们的猛烈批评。)

6. She buffeted the punching bag with all her strength.(她尽力用全力打击沙袋。)

7. The buffet breakfast was included in the hotel package.(自助早餐包含在酒店的套餐中。)



1. Nous avons dn au buffet de l'htel. (法语,我们在酒店自助餐厅用餐。)

2. Le buffet tait rempli de plats dlicieux. (法语,自助餐厅里有许多美食。)

3. Le vent a fait vaciller le buffet. (法语,风吹得自助餐台摇摆不定。)

4. The hotel has a breakfast buffet. (英语,酒店提供早餐自助餐。)

5. The buffet had a variety of options. (英语,自助餐厅提供各种选择。)

6. I wa by a buffet of wind. (英语,我被一阵猛烈的风击中。)

7. Nous avons organis un buffet pour fter notre mariage. (法语,我们为庆祝婚礼举办了自助餐。)

8. The buffet line was moving slowly. (英语,自助餐队伍移动得很慢。)

9. Le buffet de la soire tait impressionnant. (法语,晚宴自助餐的选择非常多样化。)


【读音】b fi


1. The hotel offers a buffet breakfast every morning.(这家酒店每天早上都提供自助早餐。)

2. I went to the buffet table and piled my plate high with food.(我走到自助餐桌前,把盘子堆得满满的。)

3. The stock market took a buffet after the news of the company's bankruptcy.(公司破产的消息传出后,股票市场受到打击。)




例句:Oh, my God. She's getting on the buffet table? That makes... (神啊,她要爬到餐桌上去了,那真是... 你怎么不上她?)


例句:What if travel were like a magnificent buffet of local experiences? (如果旅行更像是当地风味的 豪华自助餐呢? )


例句:Taking it seriously, so what do you tell your students? - The buffet is open. (不开玩笑 你也朝你的学生扔枕头吗 Sans dconner, tu leur balances a, tes lves?)


例句:You there, more napkins at the buffet. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}去给自助餐那边多添些纸巾 more napkins at the buffet.)


buffet一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在finger buffet([网络] 自助餐)、light buffet(轻微抖震)、mach buffet(马赫抖振)等常见短语中出现较多。

finger buffet[网络] 自助餐
light buffet轻微抖震
mach buffet马赫抖振
medium buffet中级抖震
onset buffet开始抖震
prestall buffet失速前抖震
ter buffet[网络] 散布自助餐
us buffet[网络] 用餐


1. Taking it seriously, so what do you tell your students? - The buffet is open. (翻译:不开玩笑 你也朝你的学生扔枕头吗 Sans dconner, tu leur balances a, tes lves?)

2. You there, more napkins at the buffet. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}去给自助餐那边多添些纸巾 more napkins at the buffet.)

3. - I appreciate that, sir. We could leave a cold buffet and salad. (翻译:我们会很感谢你,此外, 我们会准备一份冷盘和沙拉)

4. Slots, entertainment and the best buffet on the Monongahela River! (翻译:这里有 各类设施 和莫农加希拉最好的自助餐)

5. Buffet venue is valid for "Terrace Restaurant, Hotel Okura Macau" or "Ballroom, Hotel Okura Macau " , pls refer to appendix for buffet menu. (翻译:注:自助餐晚宴地点限制于“澳门大仓酒店和庭餐厅”或“澳门大仓酒店宴会厅”, 自助餐餐单请参阅附件。)

6. Well, here's our contribution to the Miss Twin Peaks gala buffet. (翻译:看,这就是我们赞助给 双峰节日自助餐的)

7. Unless you want to be part of the buffet that's about to begin. (翻译:除非你想 是自助餐的一部分 这就是即将开始。)

8. ..Amritsar has two daughters. It's a buffet. (翻译:..在阿姆利则有两个女儿,这是多好的选择啊)

9. I'm having an awesome time, but are you having a buffet here? (翻译:but are you having a buffet here? my God.)

10. Q: Will you follow Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in philanthropic pursuits? (翻译:问:你会追随沃伦巴菲特和比尔盖茨的慈善行动吗? )

11. No, I will be back. - You go to the buffet? (翻译:- 不行,我要退回去 - 你要去吃自助餐?)

12. We met at the station buffet just as that accident occurred. (翻译:我们昨天在火车站餐厅相识 在意外发生的时候)

13. Over the last few weeks you've missed the buffet. 'I overslept'. (翻译:你不再和我们在餐厅里吃饭了 每次都说睡过头了)

14. It's not just that Warren Buffet was so amazingly generous in that historic act last summer. (翻译:这里要看到的是,不仅仅巴菲特非常慷慨 特别是当你看到他把大部分财产捐给盖茨基金会的时候 )

15. All right, cool, but is it a long way to the buffet? (翻译:好吧 但是去自助的路远吗? All right, cool, but it is a long way to the buffet?)
