accordance是什么意思 accordance的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-22 19:36:35残羽


accordance是什么意思 accordance的中文翻译、读音、例句



4.词组搭配:in accordance with(依照、按照)、in accordance to(根据、遵照)、in accordance(与...一致)等。

5.相关短语:in accordance with the law(依法)、in accordance with the rules(按照规则)、in accordance with the agreement(按照协议)。






1. All actions must be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the company. (所有行动都必须符合公司的规章制度。)

2. The decision was made in accordance with the wishes of the majority. (这个决定是根据大多数人的愿望做出的。)

3. The new policy is in accordance with the current laws and regulations. (新政策符合当前的法律法规。)

4. We must act in accordance with the principles of justice and fairness. (我们必须按照公正公平的原则行事。)

accordance在英语中代表"一致 、依据"的意思,在日常中也代表"按照"的意思,发音音标为['k:dns],accordance在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到93个与accordance相关的例句。



例句:"in accordance with the arrest warrant issued June 18, 1835 (依照xx年xx月xx日对 皮埃尔里弗尔...)


例句:Products in accordance with the recommendation of the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC standards. (产品均按照国际电工委员会推荐的IEC标准。)


例句:In accordance with the Maya and A credintele with Maya and is this cycle is one of mortii. (根据玛雅人的世界, 以及玛雅人的信念 这个周期是一个死亡周期.)


例句:The question of what measures are needed in accordance with this policy is a matter for the BoJ to decide. (翻译:按照这一政策,需要采取哪些措施,这一问题由央行决定。)


accordance一般作为名词使用,如在in accordance([体]with)、in accordance to(依照, 根据, 与…一致)、in accordance with(与...一致, 依照)等常见短语中出现较多。

in accordance[体]with
in accordance to依照, 根据, 与…一致
in accordance with与...一致, 依照
strict accordance严格相符


1. In accordance with the Maya and A credintele with Maya and is this cycle is one of mortii. (翻译:根据玛雅人的世界, 以及玛雅人的信念 这个周期是一个死亡周期.)

2. The question of what measures are needed in accordance with this policy is a matter for the BoJ to decide. (翻译:按照这一政策,需要采取哪些措施,这一问题由央行决定。)

3. This is all, of course, in accordance with the terms I drew up in Henry's will. (翻译:这就是全部,当然 根据条例,我是按照亨利的遗嘱拟定)

4. Botswana and South Africa are widely used in accordance with the law Weilun. (翻译:博茨瓦纳和南非都广泛地使用依法韦伦。)

5. Contract terms in accordance with CFR, the prices do not include insurance. (翻译:在按CFR术语成交时,价格构成中不包括保险费。)

6. Plan and manage departmental activities in accordance with agreed budgets and timescales. (翻译:根据已通过的预算及时间进度表,计划并管理部门活动。)

7. The stage payments arein accordance with all the usual... (翻译:是 我知道工程款还在分期支付 The stage payments arein accordance with all the usual...)

8. You have committed crimes that must be punished in accordance with occupational law. (翻译:根据占领临时法 {\3cH202020}You have committed crimes that must be punished)

9. Mathurin was baptized, strictly in accordance with the rules of the church. (翻译:你的证明,Mathurin刚在教堂受过洗礼)

10. You've always responded 100% in accordance with your customers' needs. (翻译:您一向都是以 百分之百接受的态度 回应顾客的需求)

11. The standard of press steel wirerope is in accordance with GB6946-2008. (翻译:压制钢丝绳索具标准如无特殊要求符合标准GB6946-2008规定。)

12. The stock was issued in accordance with the recent AdMob, Inc. acquisition. (翻译:该股票抛售行为恰好与最近AdMob公司的收购相吻合。)

13. They are being released at an undisclosed time and location... in accordance with their wishes. (翻译:他们将在不经公开的时间和地点 被无罪释放 依照他们的意愿)

14. I will vouch for her, her people, and her dragons in accordance with the law. (翻译:依据律法 我会为她 她的子民以及龙作担保)

15. ICPA themes shall be designed in accordance with certain principles and procedures. (翻译:综合实践活动主题设计必须依据一定的原则、遵循一定的步骤。)
