liar liar是什么意思 liar liar的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-12 16:45:51倾一片温柔


liar liar是什么意思 liar liar的中文翻译、读音、例句

"liar liar"是一个英语俚语,意思是"骗子骗子"。该词源于一个儿童游戏,参与者在说谎时会被揭穿,然后其他人会对他们喊出"liar liar"。


"liar liar"通常在激烈的辩论或争吵中使用,以指责对方撒谎或不诚实。它也可以用作一个讽刺或幽默的表达方式,来调侃某人撒谎或假装。


"liar liar"是一种流行的文化现象,出现在很多电影、电视节目和音乐中。它代表了一种公开揭露欺骗的文化趋势,以及互联网时代公众的透明度和可见性的增加。


1. When the politician claimed he had no knowledge of the bribery scandal, the crowd shouted "liar liar" in unison.(当这位家声称他对贿赂丑闻一无所知时,人群一齐大声喊出"骗子骗子")

2. The comedian's famous catchphrase was "liar liar pants on fire", which always got a laugh from the audience.(这个喜剧演员的著名口号是"骗子骗子裤子着火了",总能让观众笑声不断)

3. She accused her ex-boyfriend of cheating on her, but he denied it, leading to a heated argument and accusations of "liar liar".(她指责她的前男友欺骗她,但他否认了,引发了一场激烈的争吵和"骗子骗子"的指控)

4. The online activist group exposed the company's lies about their environmental impact, causing a public outcry and accusations of "liar liar".(这个在线活动小组揭露了公司关于他们环境影响的谎言,引发了公众的强烈和"骗子骗子"的指控)

5. The TV show host accused the guest of lying about their achievements, leading to the guest storming off the set while the audience chanted "liar liar".(电视节目主持人指控嘉宾对他们的成就撒谎,导致嘉宾在观众高呼"骗子骗子"的情况下离开了现场)


读音:/lar lar/


1. Don't believe him, he's a liar liar.(不要相信他,他是一个骗子。)

2. She caught her son in a liar liar situation.(她发现她的儿子在说谎。)

liar liar在英语中代表"电影"的意思,在日常中也代表"大话王"的意思,在线发音:[liarliar],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到47个与liar liar相关的例句。

Liar liar的翻译


例句:Thus the curtain fell on the stage of the Liar Game (这样,我们的欺诈游戏Liar Game闭幕)


例句:I am the referee of the Liar Game My name is Arusabu (我是欺诈游戏的Liar Game庄家,雅尔撒)


liar liar一般作为名词使用,如在liar(说谎者 )、liar dice([网络] 骰博)、liar loan([网络] 骗子贷款;说谎者贷款)等常见短语中出现较多。

liar dice[网络] 骰博
liar loan[网络] 骗子贷款;说谎者贷款
liar paradox[网络] 说谎者悖论;撒谎者悖论;谎言者悖论
liar paradoxes[网络] 骗子的悖论
pathological liar[网络] 病态撒谎者;病态说谎者;惯性撒谎者
unconscionable liar[法] 恣意的说谎者
liar's dice[网络] 大话骰;说谎者的骰子;说谎者的骰子
liar's mortgage[网络] 骗子的抵押贷款


1. Now I am calling you a liar, Senior Bob. (翻译:我知道你是骗人的 老鲍伯 Now I am calling you a liar, Senior Bob.)

2. Call me a liar. You have reason. (翻译:你有理由说我是骗子 Call me a liar.)

3. For a smuggler, you always were a terrible liar. (翻译,你总是一个坏骗子)

4. Always were such a terrible liar. (翻译:你一直不会撒谎 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Always were such a terrible liar.)

5. He was a congenital liar and usually in debt. (翻译:他曾是个天生的说谎者并经常欠债。)

6. A boaster and a liar are Cousins. (翻译:吹牛和说谎本是同宗。)

7. We could run an ad. Do you prefer an indoor liar or an outdoor liar? (翻译:我们要登一个广告 你喜欢 室内的还是室外的说谎者)

8. You are a fantastic liar, and for all the right reasons. (翻译:你是一个梦幻般的骗子, 并为所有正确的原因。)

9. He is an abject liar. (翻译:他是一个卑鄙的说谎者。)

10. This woman is an excellent liar. (翻译:真是个演技了得的骗子 This woman is an excellent liar.)

11. - This is Agenor. He's a liar and a thief. (翻译:这就是阿格诺尔,他是个骗子,也是个贼 我知道我们之间不可能)

12. Liar, impostor, crook, freeloader, sure. (翻译:他是撒谎精 冒名顶替 骗子 占便宜的小人 我倒是没发现他有疑病症)

13. You are a liar and a thief! (翻译:你是个骗子 盗贼 -沃特斯先生 我昨晚没睡好)

14. ♪ last time you calling me a liar ♪ (翻译:last time you calling me a liar ?)

15. French Ellis was always a fat liar. (翻译:弗伦奇・埃利斯就是个满口谎话的大骗子 French Ellis was always a fat liar.)
