potting是什么意思 potting的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-12 22:27:51墨城


1. 盆栽

potting是什么意思 potting的中文翻译、读音、例句



- She spent hours potting plants in the garden.


- I’m planning to start potting herbs on my windowsill.


2. 射门



- He scored a goal from outside the box by potting it into the top corner.


3. 化装



- She spent an hour potting her face in front of the mirror.



- She always enjoys potting plants and flowers in her balcony garden. (她总是喜欢在阳台花园里盆栽植物和花草。)

- The striker scored his team's first goal by potting the ball in the bottom corner. (那个前锋射入了他的球队的第一个进球,将球射入了球门左下角。)

- In the makeup tutorial, the beauty guru is potting foundation and concealer to create a flawless complexion. (在这个化妆教程中,美容大师将粉底和遮瑕膏混合在一起,创造出完美无瑕的肤色。)

- When it comes to potting indoor plants, you need to choose the right soil and container to ensure their growth. (盆栽室内植物时,你需要选择合适的土壤和容器,以确保它们能够健康地生长。)

- The golfer made a fantastic shot by potting the ball into the hole from 50 yards away. (高尔夫球手成功将球从50码外射入洞中,做出了一次惊人的击球。)

potting 的中文翻译为"打"、"瞄准"、"种植";读音为/pt/。


1. The snooker player spent hours potting in the training room. (这位克球手在训练室里花费了数小时打球。)

2. The police were potting at the target during their shooting practice. (在射击训练中瞄准目标。)

3. He was potting plants in the garden when I arrived. (我到达时,他正在花园里种植植物。)




例句:When SRWC is 30%, the chloroplast ultrastructure of Tamarix hispida Willd potting planted is collapsing, inferring that the drought stress is very serious. (土壤相对含水量为30%时,盆栽刚毛柽柳的叶绿体超微结构开始瓦解,推断此时刚毛柽柳已受到较重的干旱胁迫。)


例句:He drove to the City Prison, not blindly, but with unusual fussy care at corners, the business of an old woman potting plants. (他驱车前往市,拐弯时毫不鲁莽,而象老太婆栽盆花似的,特别谨慎仔细。)


例句:These polysilanes can be formed into desired shape by potting, casting or coating and crosslinked by ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of multifunctional vinylsilanes. (这些聚硅烷可用灌注、浇铸、涂敷等方法制成各种形状,并能在多乙烯基硅烷存在下,以紫外光辐照进行交联。)


例句:It's used in potting soil to loosen and aerate the soil resulting in strong, branched root development. (翻译:它采用盆栽土壤松动和曝气土壤强,根系发育造成的分枝。)


potting一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fastness to potting(耐沸水坚牢度)、potting compost(n. (专门用于促进植株生长的)盆栽用土)、potting compound([电] 陶器制造化合物)等常见短语中出现较多。

fastness to potting耐沸水坚牢度
potting compostn. (专门用于促进植株生长的)盆栽用土
potting compound[电] 陶器制造化合物
potting earth盆栽混合土
potting machine盆栽机
potting material装材料
potting mixture盆栽混合土
potting mould[电] 灌封模套
potting process罐烧法
potting resin填充树脂


1. These polysilanes can be formed into desired shape by potting, casting or coating and crosslinked by ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of multifunctional vinylsilanes. (翻译:这些聚硅烷可用灌注、浇铸、涂敷等方法制成各种形状,并能在多乙烯基硅烷存在下,以紫外光辐照进行交联。)

2. It's used in potting soil to loosen and aerate the soil resulting in strong, branched root development. (翻译:它采用盆栽土壤松动和曝气土壤强,根系发育造成的分枝。)

3. They can also be found in soil and potting mix. (翻译:它们还可在土壤和花盆混合土中找到。)

4. One of the smaller shrines, dedicated to the river's flowing water, looks like a stylish potting shed, yet feels hushed and sacred. (翻译:较小的神殿中,有一座供奉的是这条河的流水,它看起来像一座时尚制陶棚,却让人感到静谧神圣。)

5. Summer cuttings may also be made, but they do best if defoliated and winterized in a refrigeration for 2-3 weeks before potting. (翻译:夏季扦插也可取得,但他们做的最好,如果叶过冬,并在制冷2-3个星期前,灌封。)

6. One popular planting mix combines one part potting soil with one part perlite. (翻译:其中一部份结合流行的组合盆栽种植土一部分珍珠岩。)

7. Another example that's proved popular with customers over the years is cabling and potting sensors at our factory. (翻译:另一个能说明这些年来我们的产品广受客户欢迎的例子是我们工厂的电缆和装配传感器。)

8. He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil. (翻译:他将郁金香球茎植在盆栽土里,等着生根。)

9. Planter - Put pebbles in the bottom of a small jar, then fill with potting soil. Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill. (翻译:花盆-在小玻璃瓶底铺上鹅石,然后装满陶土。种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。)

10. I wasn't seeing the potting angles as well as I was all week so I had to stay positive and hang in there. (翻译:我找不到击球的角度,整整一周都是如此,所以我只能抱着积极的态度,在那里坚持着。)

11. Use the compost from your own compost heap rather than artificial fertilisers This saves you from spending money on potting compost. (翻译:用你自己的肥料堆里的肥料,而不是另买化肥)

12. Hospital shall take care of these things! These potting can only make people scared! (翻译:医院必须好好管理自己的东西!这些用血浆浇灌的盆栽只能使人害怕!)


