
生活学习2024-02-12 22:22:08自考教育网



1. 词性:名词

2. 意思:feat是一个英语单词,意为“功绩;成就;技艺;特技”。它源自拉丁语的“factum”,意为“行为”或“行动”。


3. 同义词:achievement, accomplishment, performance, skill, talent

4. 例句:

- His feat of climbing Mount Everest without oxygen was truly remarkable.


- The gymnast's feat of balancing on one hand was met with thunderous applause.


- The rapper's latest album is a true feat of lyrical genius.



1. 发音:[fiːt],读作“费特”

2. 读法:feat是一个单词,没有特殊的读法,按照英语的拼读规则即可正确发音。

3. 同义词:achievement, accomplishment, success

4. 例句:

- Her feat of climbing Mount Everest at the age of 21 was truly impressive.

- The athlete's feat of breaking the world record in the marathon left the audience in awe.

- Winning a Nobel Prize is considered a great feat in the field of science


1. Feat的含义


2. Feat的发音


3. Feat的同义词


4. Feat的例句

- She performed a feat of strength by lifting the heavy weight above her head.


- It was a great feat for him to finish the marathon in under 3 hours.


- The team's victory was a feat of teamwork and determination.



1. Accomplishment - 成就

例句:His feat in completing the marathon in under 2 hours was truly remarkable.

2. Achievement - 成就

例句:Her feat of winning the Nobel Prize at such a young age is impressive.

3. Accomplishment - 完成,成就

例句:The team's feat of winning all their matches this season is unprecedented.

4. Exploit - 功绩,壮举

例句:The explorer's feat of reaching the summit of Mount Everest without oxygen was a remarkable achievement.

5. Deed - 行为,功绩

例句:His brave deed of saving the child from the burning building made him a hero.

6. Feat - 技艺,技巧

例句:The musician's feat on the guitar left the audience in awe.

7. Performance - 表现,成就

例句:Her feat in scoring three goals in one game led her team to victory.

8. Feat - 壮举,英勇的行为

例句:The firefighter's feat of rescuing all the people from the burning building was heroic.

9. Accomplishment - 成就,功绩

例句:Her feat of graduating with honors from Harvard University is a testament to her hard work and dedication.

10. Attainment - 达到,实现

例句:His feat of becoming a CEO at such a young age is impressive and inspiring to others


1. Meaning of feat

- Definition: a noteworthy or remarkable act or achievement, typically requiring great courage, skill, or strength.

- Synonyms: accomplishment, achievement, exploit, deed, triumph

- Example sentence: His feat of climbing Mount Everest without oxygen is truly impressive.

2. How to pronounce feat

- Pronunciation: /fiːt/

- Syllables: fea-t

- Audio pronunciation: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/feat

3. Synonyms for feat

- Accomplishment: something that has been achieved successfully.

- Example sentence: Winning the championship was a great accomplishment for the team.

- Achievement: something that has been accomplished through effort and skill.

- Example sentence: Graduating with honors was a major achievement for her.

- Exploit: a daring or heroic act.

- Example sentence: The firefighter's rescue of the child from the burning building was considered an incredible exploit.

- Deed: an action that is performed intentionally or consciously.

- Example sentence: His selfless deed of donating his entire inheritance to charity touched many people's hearts.

- Triumph: a great victory or success.

- Example sentence: The team's triumph in the final game secured their spot in the playoffs.

4. Related phrases and idioms with "feat"

- Feat of strength/Endurance/Engineering/Magic/Memory/Skill/Survival/Wonder:

a remarkable display of strength/endurance/engineering/magic/memory/skill/survival/wonder.

- Example sentence:

- The acrobat's feat of strength left the audience in awe.

- The marathon runner's feat of endurance was truly inspiring.

- The engineer's feat of engineering revolutionized the way we build bridges.

- The magician's feat of magic left everyone amazed and wondering how it was done.

- The contestant's feat of memory in the game show was impressive.

- The athlete's feat of skill earned them a gold medal.

- The hiker's feat of survival in the wilderness was nothing short of miraculous.

- The scientist's feat of wonder made groundbreaking discoveries.

- No mean feat: something that is difficult to achieve or accomplish.

- Example sentence: Building a successful business from scratch is no mean feat.

- Feet of clay: a weakness or flaw in someone's character or personality.

- Example sentence: Despite his success, the politician's feet of clay were exposed when he was caught in a scandal.

- To achieve/accomplish/accomplish feats:

to successfully complete remarkable acts or achievements.

- Example sentence:

- The team achieved many feats during their championship season.

- She has accomplished many feats in her career as an actress.

- The explorer accomplished incredible feats during his expeditions.

- To perform/pull off/execute/achieve a feat:

to successfully complete a remarkable act or achievement.

- Example sentence:

- The magician performed an amazing feat that left everyone speechless.

- It takes great strength and determination to pull off such a feat.

- The engineer executed an incredible feat with his new invention.

- It was an unbelievable achievement for her to achieve such a feat at such a young age

