some time是什么意思 some time的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-12 22:57:52咎由自取

1. 定义: 'some time'是一个表示“一段时间”的短语或缩写词。

some time是什么意思 some time的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用法:'some time'可以作为名词或副词使用,用于描述某个时间段或表示模糊的时间概念。

3. 同义词: 'some time'的同义词包括:a while, a bit, a spell, a stretch等。

4. 反义词: 'some time'的反义词包括:at once, immediately, instantly等。

5. 例句:

- I have been waiting for him for some time, but he still hasn't shown up. (我已经等他有一段时间了,但他还没有出现。)

- We should spend some time with our family and friends. (我们应该花一些时间陪伴家人和朋友。)

- The movie will start in some time, so we can grab some snacks first. (电影还有一段时间才开始,我们可以先拿些零食。)

- I need some time to think about this decision. (我需要一些时间来考虑这个决定。)

- She has been traveling the world for some time now. (她已经在全世界旅行了一段时间。)


读音:[sm tam]


1. I need some time to think about it. (我需要一些时间来考虑一下。)

2. We met some time ago. (我们在某个时候见过面。)

3. I'll finish this project in some time. (我会在一段时间内完成这个项目。)

4. I haven't seen him for some time. (我有一段时间没有见到他了。)

5. Some time later, she realized her mistake. (过了一段时间,她意识到了自己的错误。)

some time在中文中有"不确切或尚未决定、有一天"的意思,还经常被翻译为从前的,单词读音音标为[sometime],some time是一个英语副词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到64个与some time相关的例句。

Some time的中文翻译


例句:And all I ask is some warning when my time is up. (And all I ask is some warning when my time is up.)


例句:Well, maybe some other time... (也许改天吧 拜拜 - Well, maybe some other time...)


例句:Can I have some quiet time? (所以能让我安静会吗 Can I have some quiet time?)


例句:Do you need some more time? (翻译:Oh?)


some time一般作为副词、形容词、动词使用,如在for some time(一段时间)、quite some time(有一段时间了\n相当长一段时间)、some little time(相当一段时间,好一会儿)等常见短语中出现较多。

for some time一段时间
quite some time有一段时间了\n相当长一段时间
some little time相当一段时间,好一会儿
some other time改天吧
some time ago不久前
some time later[网络] 一段时间之后;一段时间以后;不久之后
or some such或诸如此类
some such诸如此类的


1. Can I have some quiet time? (翻译:所以能让我安静会吗 Can I have some quiet time?)

2. Do you need some more time? (翻译:Oh?)

3. Go spend some time with your wife. (翻译:去陪陪你老婆 Go spend some time with your wife.)

4. They needed some time to work through that. (翻译:他们需要时间解决那事 They needed some time to work through that.)

5. * Give me some time to blow the man down * (翻译:* Give me some time to blow the man down *)

6. Some quality time with my brother. (翻译:这不能怪我吧 some quality time with my brother.)

7. I think it might help you. (翻译:但是如果你仔细想一想 But if you spend some time with it,)

8. Some truths take their time. (翻译:有些事实是需要时间才能看到的 Some truths take their time.)

9. I spent some time with the tampa d.A. (翻译:我在坦帕市地检待过几年 I spent some time with the Tampa D. A.)

10. Maybe some day when the time is right. (翻译:也许有一天,正确的时间。Maybe some day when the time is right.)

11. Yeah, well, give her some time. (翻译:是啊,她会有的 Yeah, well, give her some time.)

12. If you do some miracles from time to time people will believe in you (翻译:你隔段时间做些事情 If you do some miracIes from time to time ... 人们就会觉得你很灵 ... peopIe wiII beIieve in you)

13. ? I need some time alone tonight ? (翻译:I need some time alone tonight)

14. I need some time to think. (翻译:给我点时间想想。I need some time to think.)

15. - Man, it is time to right some wrongs. (翻译:it is time to right some wrongs.)
