vulgar是什么意思 vulgar的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:17:53巭孬嫑菽

1. 词性和含义:Vulgar是一个形容词,含义是粗俗的、低级的、庸俗的,通常是指言语、行为、文化等方面的质量低下和缺乏品位。

2. 用法和搭配:vulgar可以修饰人、物、场合等,常用的搭配有vulgar language(粗俗的语言)、vulgar behavior(粗俗的行为)、vulgar culture(庸俗的文化)等。

vulgar是什么意思 vulgar的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 同义词和反义词:vulgar的同义词包括crude,co,tasteless,unrefined等,反义词包括refined,cultivated,elegant,sophisticated等。

4. 文化差异:vulgar这个词在不同的文化语境中具有不同的含义和评价,有些文化中的言行举止可能被认为粗俗,但在另一些文化中则被视为正常或甚至是受欢迎的。


1. His vulgar language offended many people at the party.(他的粗俗言论冒犯了许多人)

2. The hotel had a vulgar decor that made me feel uncomfortable.(这家酒店的装饰很俗气,让我感到不舒服)

3. I'm tired of watching all those vulgar reality shows on TV.(我厌倦了看那些粗俗的真人秀节目)

4. Don't be so vulgar, it's not appropriate for a formal occasion.(不要这么低俗,对于正式场合不合适)

5. Although he came from a humble background, he had a refined taste and never acted vulgar.(虽然他出身卑微,但他有高雅的品位,从不表现粗俗)



1. He has a vulgar sense of humor. (他有一种低俗的幽默感。)

2. The movie was filled with vulgar jokes. (电影中充斥着粗俗的笑话。)

3. Her clothes were too vulgar for the occasion. (她的服装对于这个场合来说太庸俗了。)

4. Don't use such vulgar language. (不要使用那么粗俗的语言。)

5. The party was a vulgar display of wealth. (这场派对是财富的低俗展示。)

6. His taste in art is very vulgar. (他的艺术品味非常庸俗。)

7. The comedian's jokes were too vulgar for the children. (那个喜剧演员的笑话对于孩子们来说太粗俗了。)

8. The restaurant had a vulgar atmosphere. (这家餐厅的氛围很庸俗。)

9. The book was criticized for its vulgar language and themes. (这本书因其粗俗的语言和主题受到批评。)





1. His vulgar behavior at the party embarred me.(他在派对上的粗俗行为让我感到尴尬。)

2. She refused to watch the movie because she thought it was too vulgar.(她拒绝看这部电影,因为她认为它太庸俗了。)

3. The artist believed that art shouldn't be vulgar and should inspire people.(这位艺术家认为艺术不应该粗俗,而应该激励人们。)




例句:- I don't remember. - I think you do. (你是说你买了栋大而俗气的宅子 {\3cH202020}You mean you bought a large and rather vulgar house.)


例句:Do you have to be so vulgar about men, like they're pieces of meat? (你非要把男人看得很低级吗? 觉得他们像块肉似的?)


例句:This is nothing but vulgar, low-brow, potty humor thinly disguised as satire. (这只是一部庸俗 低档次的闹剧 披上了讽刺的外衣而已)


例句:How vulgar for a policeman (翻译:你身为警务人员 讲话这么粗,我可以告你的)


vulgar一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在vulgar economics(庸俗经济学)、vulgar economy(世俗经济)、vulgar English(粗俗英语,不登大雅之堂的英语)等常见短语中出现较多。

vulgar economics庸俗经济学
vulgar economy世俗经济
vulgar English粗俗英语,不登大雅之堂的英语
Vulgar Era[网络] Vulgar时代
vulgar evolutionism庸俗进化论
vulgar fractionn. 普通分数
vulgar fractions[网络] 英文分数读法
vulgar language骂人话,下流话
vulgar Latin民间拉丁文;通俗拉丁语


1. This is nothing but vulgar, low-brow, potty humor thinly disguised as satire. (翻译:这只是一部庸俗 低档次的闹剧 披上了讽刺的外衣而已)

2. How vulgar for a policeman (翻译:你身为警务人员 讲话这么粗,我可以告你的)

3. My Forbes writing tends to be humorous on occasion, but not in the dark, vulgar way of the book. (翻译:我在福布斯的作品往往很幽默,但不是本书的那种灰暗、粗俗的方式。)

4. -lf you're going to get vulgar-- (翻译:. -如果你打算粗俗地谈... -不 我...)

5. The sword does not contain Abes more power in the circle than any other weapon vulgar. (翻译:刀剑不包含软件 更多的权力范围 比其他任何武器庸俗。)

6. The vulgar Keynesian in effect treats living for themoment, and only for it, as a major virtue. (翻译:庸俗凯恩斯学派实际上生活在当下,并且只生活在当下,还把这点当做美德。)

7. Churlish: like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar. (翻译:象或适合粗鲁人的;粗鲁的或庸俗的。)

8. Vulgar magic cast within a Demesne is considered to be covert, unless witnessed by one or more Sleepers . (翻译:除非被一个或更多沉睡者亲眼目睹,否则在领地内施展的破则法术自动视为常态法术。)

9. And there's no need to be vulgar, do you know what is called "elegance"? (翻译:没必要为庸俗,\ Nznaesh这样的优雅?)

10. Prepare our production so that only the bawdy and vulgar stories remain. (翻译:准备好 我们的剧目只演出下流和粗俗的章节)

11. As if I would talk on such a subject! Our family always hated cats: nasty, low, vulgar things! (翻译:我们整个家族都恨猫,这种肮脏的、的、粗俗的东西!)

12. You belong with the legions of toil, with all that is low, and vulgar, and unbeautiful . (翻译:你的伙伴是吃苦受累的人,是、粗野、丑陋的人。)

13. Apart from the smoking and the drinking... and the vulgar mother and the verbal diarrhea. (翻译:除了抽烟、喝酒 还有粗俗的妈妈 和唠叨不停的毛病)

14. You vulgar little maggot. (翻译:你,这粗俗不堪的蛆。)

15. "Unless prevented at vulgar cost, this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation. " (翻译:除了防止在低的介位 女人要放弃最伟大的权利 到悲哀)
