get away是什么意思,get away同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:14:37自考教育网

标题:探寻“get away”的奥秘——从含义到同义词,一文带你了解行业术语 内容: 1. get away的含义 2. get away的发音 3. get away的用法和例句 4. get away常用词组 5. get away的同义词示例 导语:在英语学习中,我们经常会遇到一些看似简单却又不那么容易理解的词汇。今天,我们就来探寻其中一个行业术语——“get away”的奥秘。从它的含义到同义词,让我们一起来揭开这个神秘词汇的面纱。是否有些好奇呢?那么就跟着我一起来了解吧!

get away的含义

1. get away的基本含义

get away是一个常见的英语短语,通常表示“离开”、“逃离”、“远离”等意思。它可以指物理上的移动,也可以指摩擦、冲突或不愉快的情况下的避免。这个短语通常用作及物动词,后面可以跟随介词或副词来表达具体的含义。

get away是什么意思,get away同义词及例句

2. get away的同义词

get away在不同场合下可以有不同的同义词。比如,在指离开某地时,可以使用leave、depart、exit等;在指逃跑或逃脱时,可以使用escape、flee、run away等;在指避免或防止时,可以使用avoid、evade、dodge等。具体使用哪个同义词取决于句子结构和上下文。

3. get away的例句

- I need to get away from the city for a few days to relax.


- The thief managed to get away before the police arrived.


- We need to find a way to get away from this difficult situation.


- He always tries to get away with not doing his homework.


- The couple decided to get away from the busy city and move to the countryside.


4. get away的其他含义

除了上述基本含义外,get away还可以表示“度过”、“消磨”、“脱身”等含义。比如,get away from it all可以指“远离一切”,也可以指“暂时忘记一切”。此外,get away还可以表示“被允许做某事”、“成功做某事”等含义。


get away的发音

1. get away的发音为/dʒet əˈweɪ/,其中/dʒ/发音类似于中文的“j”,/ə/发音类似于中文的“e”,/ˈweɪ/发音类似于中文的“威”。

2. get away同义词包括escape、flee、run away等。

3. 以下是一些关于get away用法及例句:

- Get away意为“逃离”,常用于表示逃跑或离开某个地方的行为。例如:

He managed to get away from the police.


- Get away也可以表示“放松”或“休息”。例如:

I need to get away from work for a while.


- Get away还可以表示“摆脱”或“解脱”。例如:

She couldn't wait to get away from her controlling parents.


- Get away还可以表示“避免”或“不受影响”。例如:

I was lucky to get away with just a few scratches.


get away的用法和例句

1. get away的意思

Get away是一个常见的英语短语,意为“离开”、“逃脱”、“摆脱”等。它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用,也可以作为名词使用。

2. get away的同义词

- Leave:离开,出发

- Escape:逃跑,逃走

- Break free:挣脱,摆脱

- Get out:出去,离开

3. get away的例句

1) I need to get away from the city for a while and relax.


2) The thief managed to get away before the police arrived.


3) It's time to get away from all the stress and enjoy some quiet time.


4) The prisoner tried to break free from his handcuffs.


4. get away作为名词的用法和例句

Get away也可以作为名词使用,表示“远足”、“短假期”等。

1) We're planning a weekend getaway to the mountains.


2) I need a quick getaway from all this chaos.


Get away是一个常用的英语短语,意为“离开”、“逃脱”、“摆脱”。它可以作为动词或名词使用,有多种同义词替换。在句子中的用法也多样,可以表示离开、逃跑、放松等含义。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解和运用get away这一短语

get away常用词组

1. Escape - 逃离,逃跑。例如:The prisoner managed to escape from his cell and get away from the prison.

2. Flee - 逃离,逃跑。例如:The villagers had to flee their homes to get away from the approaching wildfire.

3. Run away - 逃跑,离开。例如:She couldn't take it anymore, so she ran away from home to get away from her problems.

4. Leave - 离开,远离。例如:I needed a break, so I decided to leave the city for a few days and get away from the hustle and bustle.

5. Break free - 逃脱,解脱。例如:He finally managed to break free from his controlling parents and get away from their constant demands.

6. Make an escape - 逃脱,逃走。例如:The bank robbers made an escape before the police arrived and got away with all the money.

7. Get out of - 摆脱,离开。例如:She wanted to get out of her toxic relationship and finally managed to get away from her abusive partner.

8. Take off - 走开,离开。例如:I needed some time alone, so I took off for a weekend getaway to get away from the stress of work.

9. Slip away - 悄悄溜走,离开。例如:He slipped away during the party to get away from all the noise and have some quiet time.

10. Run for it - 奔跑而去,逃跑。例如:When they saw the bear approaching, they ran for it and managed to get away safely

get away的同义词示例

1. Escape - "I need to escape from this stressful job and take a vacation."

2. Flee - "The criminals managed to flee the scene before the police arrived."

3. Break free - "After years of being in a toxic relationship, she finally found the strength to break free."

4. Run away - "The dog ran away from home and got lost in the neighborhood."

5. Get out - "We need to get out of this boring party and find something more exciting to do."

6. Slip away - "She managed to slip away from her overbearing mother and go on a trip with her friends."

7. Take off - "Let's take off for the weekend and go camping in the mountains."

8. Make an escape - "The prisoner made an escape from jail using a makeshift rope."

9. Get off the grid - "I want to get off the grid for a while and disconnect from technology."

10. Take flight - "The bird took flight as soon as I approached it."

get away是一个常用的短语,表示“逃离、离开”的意思,发音为/dʒet əˈweɪ/。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。常见的词组有“get away with”、“get away from”、“get away with murder”等。其同义词包括escape、flee、run away等。例如,“He managed to get away from the police.”(他设法逃离了警察)。希望本文能帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个短语。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
