majestic是什么意思 majestic的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-18 09:07:59迟归

1. 词义:majestic意为“宏伟的,威严的,庄严的”,常用于描述大自然风景、建筑、人物等具有壮观气势的事物。

majestic是什么意思 majestic的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:形容词。

3. 词组搭配:majestic scenery(宏伟的景色)、majestic mountain(壮丽的山峰)、majestic lion(威武的狮子)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[mdestk]


1. The Rocky Mountains are a majestic sight to behold.


2. The palace has a majestic appearance with its grand architecture and golden dome.


3. The majestic elephant walked slowly across the gry plain.


4. The majestic cathedral loomed over the city, casting a magnificent shadow.


5. The majestic music filled the concert hall, leaving the audience in awe.




读音:ma-jes-tic [mdestk]


1. The majestic mountains can be seen from afar. (远处可以看到雄伟的山)

2. The king made a majestic entrance into the palace. (国王壮丽地走进了宫殿)

3. The majestic eagle soared high above the sky. (雄伟的鹰高飞在天空之上)




例句:Like a gentle giant, the most majestic creature on Earth. (像一个温柔的巨人, 地球上最雄伟的生物.)


例句:Be a lot more majestic if we could see it. (如果我们可以登上去看的话 肯定很壮观 Be a lot more majestic if we could see it.)


例句:Strange shapes and designs is clear, distinct, majestic great momentums , tall, lifelike. (形状奇特,图案清晰,层次分明,雄伟高大,气势磅礴,惟妙惟肖。)


例句:There seems to be some majestic primeval connection between a man and a mountain. (翻译:在男人与山之间似乎存在某种宏大的原始联系。)


majestic一般作为形容词使用,如在majestic hotel([网络] 大华酒店;广州大华酒店;美琪大饭店)、majestic plural([网络] 显赫的复数;华贵的性质;名词)、majestic babbitt alloy(高级巴比特合金)等常见短语中出现较多。

majestic hotel[网络] 大华酒店;广州大华酒店;美琪大饭店
majestic plural[网络] 显赫的复数;华贵的性质;名词
majestic babbitt alloy高级巴比特合金


1. Strange shapes and designs is clear, distinct, majestic great momentums , tall, lifelike. (翻译:形状奇特,图案清晰,层次分明,雄伟高大,气势磅礴,惟妙惟肖。)

2. There seems to be some majestic primeval connection between a man and a mountain. (翻译:在男人与山之间似乎存在某种宏大的原始联系。)

3. From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clearwaters so blue, this wish is coming to you. (翻译:越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。)

4. Does that mean the writing is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyle? (翻译:这是否意味着所有穿着华丽、生活方式高贵的欧洲皇室成员都将面临厄运? )

5. The line segments and circular arcs in his puzzles seem to represent the Heavens. They're majestic. (翻译:因为问题中的线段与圆弧 好比天空非常宏大)

6. It all seemed most majestic and mysterious when they sat down in their circle. (翻译:当他们围成一圈坐下来的时候,一切都显得无比庄严和神秘。)

7. The majestic figure here in the middle is dressed in Siena's colors and he personifies the republic itself. (翻译:中间这个庄严的人物, 他的衣服是锡耶纳的颜色, 他是这个共和国的化身。)

8. Brunelleschi was one and he created the most majestic cathedral in Europe. (翻译:布鲁内列斯基也是疯子 可他建造了欧洲最雄伟的教堂)

9. From here two majestic spiral arms, bright bands of billions of stars, sweep out-- (翻译:从这里伸出的两个巨大旋臂 数十亿恒星的集合 旋转而出)

10. Fuji, and has painted its majestic figure for over 30 years! (翻译:他花了xx年以上的时间 描绘山的雄姿)

11. Just a little further to the east, we spotted sacred and majestic 'Uluru'. (翻译:在向东一点点,我们拍摄到了神圣而又威严的“乌鲁鲁”。)

12. This is about as majestic as it gets. (翻译:这里已经很宏伟了 This is about as majestic as it gets.)

13. The culture of the ancient Maya builders of the majestic cities disappeared (翻译:古老玛雅人的文化 壮观城市的建造者都消失了)

14. Motion to encourage the citizens of Lawson to help out The Majestic if they can. (翻译:提议 鼓励劳森市市民... ...尽力帮助皇宫剧院)

15. Your twitching flicks will never be able to replace the majestic plasticity of a live body. (翻译:不管你如何意 也代替不了柔软无比的身躯)
