非他莫属用英语怎么说 非他莫属英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-18 13:20:01北仑色


1. What i found does not belong to you.

2. if anybody can fly a bucket of bolts thugh hyper, he can.

非他莫属用英语怎么说 非他莫属英语翻译

3. i'm sorry, old buddy, but it looks like you're stuck... cleaning up the fat man.

4. "What did i do?" Little Miss Perfect.

5. "With him it's forr, there'll be no one else."

6. How truly does this befit you.

7. if anyone deserved to go there, it was her.

8. and indeed, when he runs for re-election in 2010, those thousands of extra ex-felon votes will only do him good.


9. if anyone can find the sender, then it's him, but it takes time.

译文:如果有谁可以找到寄件者, 那就非他莫属了,不过那是需要时间。

10. if you're the only one left standing there, they hire you

11. The nightingale, of cose.

12. You can do this, too. if anyone can, you can.

13. Only He can bng order out of this chaos.
