蓝梅用英语怎么说 蓝梅的英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-19 06:14:00映安

蓝梅英语翻译是"Melhania",还经常被译作Firmiana danxiaensis,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到11个与蓝梅相关翻译和例句。

1. They were really, really blue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, dreamy.

蓝梅用英语怎么说 蓝梅的英语翻译

2. Cloisonne pducts among them divide gold field cloisonne and blue field cloisonne o major part.


3. That's not n safe. Randy, Randy, Randy, Randy.

4. Blue Dragon, this is Red Dragon Come in, Blue Dragon

5. i mean, you still owe me five grand for staying at Garage de la Grandma.

6. - Dr Allan, Dr Merck, Mr Randolph.

7. it certainly looks as a giant blueberry.

8. Bluer than velvet were her eyes

9. Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg, Meg! Wait, wait, wait.

10. Cornflower blue, Ted. Cornflower blue!

11. Will you be wting a sequel?
