rickets是什么意思 rickets的中文翻译、读音、例句

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rickets是什么意思 rickets的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义及概述


2. 症状及发病原因


3. 预防和治疗


4. 相关词汇

与Rickets相关的词汇包括维生素D缺乏症(vitamin D deficiency)、骨质疏松症(osteoporosis)等。


1. Rickets is more common in children from r families who live in areas with a lack of sunshine.


2. The doctor recommended that the child take vitamin D supplements to prevent Rickets.


3. Children who suffer from Rickets may have difficulty walking, and their bones may bend or fracture easily.


4. A balanced diet that includes plenty of vitamin D and calcium can help prevent Rickets.


5. If Rickets is left untreated, it can lead to permanent bone deformities and other health problems.





1. Lack of vitamin D can cause rickets. (缺乏维生素D会导致佝偻病。)

2. The doctor diagnosed the child with rickets and prescribed supplements. (医生诊断这个孩子得了佝偻病并开了补充剂的处方。)

3. Rickets is a rare disease in developed countries due to the availability of vitamin D supplements. (在发达国家,由于维生素D补充剂的供应,佝偻病是一种罕见的疾病。)

rickets的意思是"佝偻病 、佝偻病",作为名词时有"软骨病"的意思,发音音标为['rikits],rickets在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到94个与rickets相关的例句。



例句:Improved diet has been responsible for a dramatic decrease in rickets. (改善了的饮食也使得软骨病的 发病率有了明显的下降.)


例句:Take it easy: Too much sunblock puts you at risk of rickets and osteoporosis (放轻松:过量防晒霜使女人处在身患佝偻病和骨质疏松症的边缘。)


例句:loofah sponge soap contained in rickets and mucus in the stool delayed benefit, and very low calories. (丝瓜丝瓜中所含的皂疳和粘液有益于迟滞,且含热量也很低。)


例句:Rickets is quite rare now. (翻译:佝偻病现在很少见了。)


rickets一般作为名词使用,如在endogenous rickets([医] 内因性佝偻病)、famine rickets([医] 萎缩性佝偻病, 饥馑佝偻病)、fat rickets([医] 肥胖性佝偻病)等常见短语中出现较多。

endogenous rickets[医] 内因性佝偻病
famine rickets[医] 萎缩性佝偻病, 饥馑佝偻病
fat rickets[医] 肥胖性佝偻病
fetal rickets[医] 胎性佝偻病, 软骨发育不全
Glissonian rickets[医] [格利森氏]佝偻病
hemorrhagic rickets[医] 出血性佝偻病, 婴儿坏血病
hepatic rickets[医] 肝病性佝偻病
late rickets[医] 迟发佝偻病
lean rickets[医] 消瘦性佝偻病


1. loofah sponge soap contained in rickets and mucus in the stool delayed benefit, and very low calories. (翻译:丝瓜丝瓜中所含的皂疳和粘液有益于迟滞,且含热量也很低。)

2. Rickets is quite rare now. (翻译:佝偻病现在很少见了。)

3. And Vitamin d, found in fish, means children need no longer grow up with 10 rickets. (翻译:另外,在鱼类中的维生素d可让孩子成长过程中再不会得佝偻病。)

4. My grandmother grew up in Glasgow, back in the 1920s and '30s when rickets was a real problem and cod liver oil was brought in. (翻译:我祖母在格拉斯哥长大 在20世纪xx年代,佝偻病是个大问题 鱼肝油被采用,)

5. My grandmother grew up in Glasgow, back in the 1920s and '30s when rickets was a real problem and cod liver oil was brought in. (翻译:我祖母在格拉斯哥长大 在20世纪xx年代,佝偻病是个大问题 鱼肝油被采用, )

6. So, for children often eat sesame prevention of rickets, as well as bone and teeth development, are very useful. (翻译:因此,宝宝经常吃芝麻预防佝偻病以及骨骼和牙齿的发展,是非常有益的。)

7. The body needs the sun to manufacture vitamin D and a deficiency can lead to serious problems such as rickets and osteoporosis. (翻译:身体需要阳光的照射才能制造维生素D,如果光照不足就会引发一系列的问题,如佝偻病和骨质疏松症。)

8. So vitamin D is good for you -- it stops rickets, it prevents calcium metabolism, important stuff. (翻译:维生素D对人有益——它预防佝偻病 还能预防钙流失,是很重要的微量元素 )

9. And it appears to do more than just protect against rickets . That serious bone disease was the reason vitamin D was added to milk. (翻译:另外它还能预防软骨病,在牛奶中添加了维他命D就是为了预防这种疾病。)

10. Rickets is a disease of children characterized by a failure of the growing bones to calcify normally. (翻译:佝偻病是一种儿童疾病,它的特征是生长中的骨骼不能正常钙化。)

11. Uh, I was going to finish it but, uh, Mr. Gerson is out with, uh, rickets. (翻译:我本来是要做的 但是葛森先生因为软骨病休息了)

12. Lowliness is not rickets, it is a self-knowledge of meditate, sheaves valued gaze, a sort of unruly style. (翻译:卑微不是软骨病,它是一份自知的反省,一道尊重的目光,一种不羁的风度。)

13. Conclusion The cardinal symptom of late rickets in children is intervallic pain in the lower extremities and to be easily misdiagnosed as growing pain. (翻译:结论儿童晚发性佝偻病以间歇性下肢疼痛为主要表现,易被误诊为生长痛。)

14. So vitamin D is good for you -- it stops rickets, it prevents calcium metabolism, important stuff. (翻译:维生素D对人有益——它预防佝偻病 还能预防钙流失,是很重要的微量元素)

15. The way they make you slave around here, I'm lucky I don't have gray hair and rickets! (翻译:在这儿就像在过奴隶的生活 很庆幸我的头发还没白 背还没驼!)


