日记用英语怎么说 日记的英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-20 21:14:03逐北

记英语翻译是"8 Diary is a siificant pxy data with daily time resolution for rainfall reconstruction.",还网络中常译为" jonal",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到45个与记相关释义和例句。

日记用英语怎么说 日记的英语翻译

1. 8 Diary is a siificant pxy data with daily time resolution for rainfall reconstruction.

记翻译为 8 Diary is a siificant pxy data with daily time resolution for rainfall reconstruction.。

On New Year's Day in 1974, I started keeping a jonal.

Fute Diary Tsunami Kuusou Mesogiwi ( 未来记 )

A Madman's Diary Diary of a Madman Lunatic Diary Diary of Madman ( 狂人记 )

The Diary of a Young Girl The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank ( 安妮记 )

The Vampire Diaes The Vampire Diary The Vfire Diaes The Vrevire Diaes ( 吸血鬼记 )

The Motorcycle Diaes diao de moto ( 摩托记 )

2. That was a video jonal. What?

3. He says it's in his "diary."

4. i have to make a new jonal that doesn't have you in it.

5. Yes, ""The Diary of a Thief""

6. A fake diary. - You kept a fake diary.

7. Right here, in Dad's diary.

8. Jim's secret diary he's always wting in.

9. SHELDON Sheldon's jonal.

10. Her dad's pvate jonal.

11. instead, he advised me to keep a jonal.

12. - You mean a diary? - in a way, sir.

13. - They wanted my diary. - Yeah?
