google desktop是什么意思 google desktop的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-20 19:08:03雅咩喋

词义:Google Desktop是谷歌公司推出的桌面搜索软件,用来快速地在个人电脑中查找文件、电子邮件、网页历史记录等。


google desktop是什么意思 google desktop的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:Google Desktop Search(Google桌面搜索)


发音拼写:/u()l dsktp/


1. Google Desktop is a desktop search application developed by Google.


2. Google Desktop was discontinued in 2011.


3. The Google Desktop search tool can help you find what you're looking for quickly and easily.


4. Google Desktop Search indexes your computer's files and makes them searchable.


5. Google Desktop Search doesn't just search files, it can also search email, web history, and more.


6. With Google Desktop, you can find that email or document you need without having to manually search through all your files.


7. Some users prefer Google Desktop over other desktop search tools because it is faster and more accurate.


Google Desktop是英语词汇,可以翻译为“谷歌桌面”。它是一款由谷歌公司开发的桌面搜索软件,可以帮助用户在自己的计算机上快速找到文件、电子邮件、网页历史记录等信息。用户可以使用它来搜索计算机内的文件、联系人、电子邮件、聊天记录等。Google Desktop还可以通过插件来扩展它的功能。

以下是9个含有Google Desktop的例句:

1. I use Google Desktop to quickly find files on my computer.(我使用Google Desktop来快速找到电脑上的文件。)

2. Google Desktop is a useful tool for organizing my emails.(Google Desktop是一个方便的工具,可以帮我整理电子邮件。)

3. With Google Desktop, I can easily search my browsing history.(使用Google Desktop,我可以轻松搜索我的浏览历史。)

4. Google Desktop can be customized with different plugins.(Google Desktop可以使用不同的插件进行个性化定制。)

5. I recommend using Google Desktop to anyone who wants to improve their computer productivity.(我推荐任何想提高电脑生产力的人使用Google Desktop。)

6. Google Desktop is available for free download from the Google website.(Google Desktop可以免费从Google网站下载。)

7. I like how easy it is to use Google Desktop to find specific files on my computer.(我喜欢使用Google Desktop在电脑上查找特定的文件非常容易。)

8. Google Desktop can also search for text within documents, not just the filenames.(Google Desktop还可以搜索文档中的文本,而不仅仅是文件名。)

9. The Google Desktop sidebar is a convenient place to access frequently used widgets.(Google Desktop侧边栏是访问常用小部件的方便位置。)

Google Desktop是Google公司推出的一种桌面搜索引擎和个人信息管理工具。它可以在个人电脑上快速搜索各种内容,如文档、电子邮件、网页、图片、音频和视频文件等。Google Desktop还可以提供天气、新闻、股票等实时信息,并包括了多种小工具和插件,用户可以根据自己的需要进行安装和使用。


读音:[ul dsktp]

例句:1. I use Google Desktop to quickly search for documents on my computer.(我使用谷歌桌面搜索引擎快速查找电脑上的文档。)

2. Google Desktop also provides real-time information such as weather, news, and stocks.(谷歌桌面搜索引擎还可以提供天气、新闻和股票等实时信息。)

google desktop通常被翻译为"桌面搜索、桌面搜索工具"的意思,还有谷歌桌面的意思,单词读音音标为[googledesktop],google desktop来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到29个与google desktop相关的例句。

Google Desktop的释义


例句:So I decided to consult the Google of the day -- "Ma! Ma!" (那天我决定用google来搜索 “”妈!妈! )


例句:The Google test is, you look in Google and see if it's there, because if something's not even in Google, it probably doesn't exist at all. (Google测试是,你在Google上查看看是否它在上面, 因为如果有些东西在Google上都没有的话,它很可能完全不存在。)


例句:Airflow through a desktop ATX case. (气流通过桌面的AT X案件。)、谷歌桌面

例句:What you're going to use is Google Cellular. (翻译:你需要用到Google Cellular)


google desktop一般作为名词使用,如在Google Desktop([网络] 谷歌桌面;桌面搜索;桌面搜索工具)、Google Desktop Search([网络] 桌面搜索;谷歌桌面搜索;桌面搜寻程序)、desktop(桌面的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Google Desktop[网络] 谷歌桌面;桌面搜索;桌面搜索工具
Google Desktop Search[网络] 桌面搜索;谷歌桌面搜索;桌面搜寻程序
Google it[网络] 谷一下;搜索相关信息;倒地铃是一种植物
to Google[网络] 上网搜索;忘恩负义
extended desktop[网络] 扩展桌面;桌面扩展;桌面延展
Mac desktop[网络] 桌面
Parallel Desktop[网络] 虚拟机软件
Parallels Desktop[网络] 虚拟机软件;桌面虚拟化;虚拟机器


1. Airflow through a desktop ATX case. (翻译:气流通过桌面的AT X案件。)

2. What you're going to use is Google Cellular. (翻译:你需要用到Google Cellular)

3. These are parts of a RepRap machine, which is a kind of desktop printer. (翻译:这些是RepRap机器的零件, 它是一种桌面打印机。)

4. Well, you can Google, you can eBay, you can even Alibaba. (翻译:你去Google,去eBay,甚至去淘宝, )

5. They plug into a laptop, desktop, or handheld computer. (翻译:它们可以连接在便携式电脑、台式电脑或掌上电脑上。)

6. Google,business,collaboration,culture,design,technology,web (翻译:Google,business,collaboration,culture,design,technology,web)

7. You can borrow the desktop pc. (翻译:You can borrow the desktop pc. 你可以借那台桌机去用)

8. LP: Not Google, but the public. (翻译:拉里佩奇:不是Google,而是公众。)

9. It is acting as an adware displaying ads on your desktop. (翻译:该广告软件会在你的桌面显示广告。)

10. Download that and open it on his desktop. (翻译:下载我寄的档案 在桌面上开启它 Download that and open it on his desktop.)

11. They're also now small enough to sit on a desktop. (翻译:它们现在已经足够小, 可以放到桌子上面。)

12. Is your desktop or laptop computer starting to feel a little poky? (翻译:开端觉察到你的台式机或条记本电脑变的有那么点儿不好用了?)

13. They typed it into Google, translated it into Italian, went back into Italian Google. (翻译:他们把它输入谷歌,翻译成意大利语, 然后去意大利语谷歌。)

14. They're also now small enough to sit on a desktop. (翻译:它们现在已经足够小, 可以放到桌子上面。)

15. Some of them are Google Docs users. (翻译:他们中有些是Google文件的用户。)
