regina是什么意思 regina的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-26 17:42:12紫陌彡红尘

1. 词义:regina是英语中女性皇后的意思,通常用于尊称女性统治者。

regina是什么意思 regina的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:regina是名词。

3. 词组搭配:无

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/rdan/

6. 5个中英例句:

- Queen Victoria was the longest-reigning regina in British history.


- The regina of the Netherlands, Beatrix, abdicated in 2013.


- The regina of Sweden, Silvia, is a champion of children's rights.


- The regina consort of Spain, Letizia, is a former journalist.


- The ancient Egyptians worshipped Isis as a regina of magic and wisdom.




1. Regina adorat canes.(拉丁语)- Regina喜欢狗。(中文翻译)

2. Regina est magna incepit.(拉丁语)- Regina已经开始了大量的工作。(中文翻译)

3. Regina est ilis.(拉丁语)- Regina非常高贵。(中文翻译)

4. Regina pluit.(拉丁语)- 下起了雨。(中文翻译)

5. Regina ludum amat.(拉丁语)- Regina喜欢游戏。(中文翻译)

6. Regina non est domi.(拉丁语)- Regina不在家。(中文翻译)

7. Regina bonum ci amat.(拉丁语)- Regina喜欢好吃的食物。(中文翻译)

8. Regina multis animum infortunii velit.(拉丁语)- Regina希望许多人不幸。(中文翻译)

9. Regina est praeclarum exemplum.(拉丁语)- Regina是一个杰出的榜样。(中文翻译)





1. Queen Elizabeth is often referred to as "Regina" in Canada.


2. Regina is a popular name for baby girls in many Spanish-speaking countries.


regina在英语中代表"女王 、瑞加娜"的意思,其中文解释还有"女王称号"的意思,发音音标为[ri'dain],regina来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到55个与regina相关的例句。



例句:Do you think Regina Campo would or could have done this to herself? (你认为Regina Campo会或者可能对自己做这种事吗?)


例句:Regina, we've been trying to find you. We need to talk about... give me two weeks. (Regina 我们一直在找你 我们得谈谈关于...)


例句:Buddy's sister, Regina Mary Bragg, got two calls from Buddy in Detroit this morning. (巴蒂的姊姊,维珍柏格 今早接到两通巴蒂从底特律打的电话)


例句:When Regina stopped complaining about her in-laws, her emotional steam pressure quickly rendered her unable to tolerate their company. (翻译:当Regina停止对她的丈母娘抱怨,她的情绪的“蒸汽”压力很快另她无法忍受与他们呆在一起。)


regina一般作为名词使用,如在Regina(女王 )、eubasilissa regina(艳色褐纹石蛾)、Elizabeth Regina([网络] 伊莉莎白女皇;伊丽莎白女王;伊利莎白女王)等常见短语中出现较多。

eubasilissa regina艳色褐纹石蛾
Elizabeth Regina[网络] 伊莉莎白女皇;伊丽莎白女王;伊利莎白女王
Lucilia regina[医] 暗伏绿蝇
Phormia regina[医] 黑花蝇(一种绿头大苍蝇)
Regina Beach[地名] 里贾纳比奇 ( 加 )
Santa Regina[地名] 圣雷希娜 ( 阿根 )
vivat regina!na. 女王[王后]万岁!\n[网络] 女王万岁


1. Buddy's sister, Regina Mary Bragg, got two calls from Buddy in Detroit this morning. (翻译:巴蒂的姊姊,维珍柏格 今早接到两通巴蒂从底特律打的电话)

2. When Regina stopped complaining about her in-laws, her emotional steam pressure quickly rendered her unable to tolerate their company. (翻译:当Regina停止对她的丈母娘抱怨,她的情绪的“蒸汽”压力很快另她无法忍受与他们呆在一起。)

3. "Ad lapidem curebat olim regina." (翻译:Ad Lapidem curebat Olim Regina[拉丁语])

4. Yeah. I spoke to Regina, and we made a deal. (翻译:是啊 我跟Regina谈过了 我们说好了)

5. According to Rumplestiltskin, the weapon that will defeat Regina lies at the top of this hill. (翻译:据朗普斯金说 能打败瑞金娜的武器 就藏在这座山顶)

6. The fact remains that she defeated both emma and regina. (翻译:事实依旧没变 她打败了Emma和Regina)

7. I'm glad I did. Regina abandoned you and sabotaged the elevator. (翻译:还好我来了 Regina丢下了你一个人 还弄坏了电梯)

8. Regina Kroit, Angela Zeva and Andrea Lumen to each serve a total sentence in prison of four years and three months. (翻译:赫吉娜・克罗伊特,安吉拉・杰瓦 以及安德丽娅・鲁门 各判处监禁xx年零三个月)

9. I just need to make Regina look at her for a moment to turn her into stone. (翻译:我只需要让瑞金娜看她一下 她就会变成石头了)

10. This question was asked by Regina from Texas. (翻译:这个问题是由德克萨斯州的雷吉提出来的。)

11. Yes, sir, Hotel Regina, Paris. How may I direct your call? (翻译:是的 先生 巴黎的瑞琴娜旅馆 我能帮你接通谁呢)

12. Mingott's fragmentary phrases that Regina Beaufort had come to ask her--incredible effrontery! (翻译:大家从明戈特太太支离破碎的话语中得知,里吉纳博福特是来要求她——真是厚颜!)

13. It's just, when we imprisoned Regina, you stopped her execution. (翻译:只是 我们抓住瑞金娜后 你阻止了她的死刑)

14. I just need a way to make her believe in something that I already know... that she can face Regina and win. (翻译:我只是需要她相信一件 我已经深信无疑的事 我深信她能对抗瑞金娜并取胜)

15. Hook, regina, emma, you take the west. (翻译:Hook Regina Emma 你们去西边)


