屏营用英语怎么说 屏营的英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-27 08:30:12慢灵魂

屏营英语是"with fear and trepidation",还经常被译作 with fear and trepidation,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到个与屏营相关释义和例句。

屏营用英语怎么说 屏营的英语翻译

示例:But this time they are full of trepidation, not margatas.

1. Not the cardboard box, but the green screen.

2. Let's check. The monitor, please. Thank you.

3. - i'm telling you, Leonard.

4. The Function of the Clstrum?

5. Definitely expensive than resistive screens, by beeen 10% and 50%, depending on who you talk to.

6. Hell, that's what half of band camp is... Ed.

7. What's yo pblem, JumboTn?

8. Oh, it's-it's green screen.

9. - We're losing a deflector shield.

10. Then a screen ses and obsces the block.

11. We're interested in big displays, bght displays.

12. Wang Hsiung Ping shave the legs.
