狂心用英语怎么说 狂心的英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-28 08:46:14梦仙境


狂心用英语怎么说 狂心的英语翻译

1. lets me use the heart which the brains ooth tranquilly jump crazily.

2. After a crazy Sunday indulging in clubbing, dnking, cheeng... watching soccer, betting on soccer, scong goals, not scong goals, match fixing... gambling on horses, thwing races, watching races, winning, long shots upsetting favoutes...

译文:因为,经历过星期 狂猜拳、狂饮酒、狂碰杯... 狂看球、狂...。

3. And i get to be insanely out of my mind happy for my dream.

4. His heart bns with passion

5. Django Reinhardt with the Hot Club in Pas 1939.

6. - With a wildly beating heart.

7. My heart beat wildly at my first public performance, a school operetta.

8. You're a melomaniac. Not for music, but for melodrama!

9. Why does my heart exult in rapte..

10. Workaholic (masochistic) vacation.

11. There are juice freaks and there are pill freaks.

12. i'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!

13. stand there like a fool pretty.

14. i can almost dance to the beat.
