recognized是什么意思 recognized的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-28 21:22:15少惹俄


recognized是什么意思 recognized的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:recognized可以和许多词组搭配使用,例如well-recognized(广受认可的),unrecognized(未被承认的),internationally recognized(国际认可的)等。

短语:recognized除了常见的作定语或表语之外,也可以与have、be、become等动词短语搭配使用。例如have recognized(承认),be recognized(被认可),become recognized(成为被认可的)等。

发音拼写:recognized的发音为 /reknaizd/,重音在第二个音节,单词末尾的-ed发音为/d/。


1. The company's success has been recognized by industry experts. (这家公司的成功已得到行业专家的认可。)

2. She was recognized as the best student in her cl. (她被评为班里最好的学生。)

3. The painting was recently recognized as an authentic work by the artist. (这幅画最近被认定为该艺术家的真品。)

4. He has been recognized for his contributions to the field of medicine. (他因为对医学领域的贡献而受到了认可。)

5. The city is recognized as one of the most livable places in the world. (这座城市被公认为世界上最适宜居住的地方之一。)





1. Her work was recognized by the committee and awarded a prize. (她的工作得到委员会的认可并获得了奖项。)

2. The company is recognized as a leader in its industry. (这家公司被认为是行业领导者。)

3. It took me a while to recognize the handwriting. (我花了一些时间才识别出那个笔迹。)

4. The symptoms of the disease are easily recognized. (这种疾病的症状很容易辨认。)




例句:He hid, but I recognized him. No kidding! (他不知道我已经看到他了 认出他是你老公的人)


例句:I recognized the letter that had returned. ({\1cH00FF00}我承认那 信被打回头的手写是经你手的。)


例句:The presidents of these countries recognized the emergencies. (这些国家的总统 意识到了问题的紧急性。)


例句:Again, Bandura recognized this years ago, decades ago. (翻译:又是班杜拉, 他在几年前,甚至几xx年前认识到了这一点。)


recognized一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在recognized that([网络] 人们通常认为;意识到)、internationally recognized(国际公认)、recognized authority([网络] 公认的权威;获承认的当局)等常见短语中出现较多。

recognized that[网络] 人们通常认为;意识到
internationally recognized国际公认
recognized authority[网络] 公认的权威;获承认的当局
recognized bank获准银行
recognized circuit[电子] 识别电路
recognized component[网络] 认可组件;已认可部件;元件
recognized components[网络] 认可零件
recognized custom公认习惯
recognized dealers认可的交易商


1. The presidents of these countries recognized the emergencies. (翻译:这些国家的总统 意识到了问题的紧急性。)

2. Again, Bandura recognized this years ago, decades ago. (翻译:又是班杜拉, 他在几年前,甚至几xx年前认识到了这一点。)

3. He might've recognized me at the gas station. (翻译:他可能已经在加油站认出我 随时都可能逃走)

4. Mia, you know i barely recognized you. (翻译:you know i barely recognized you.)

5. It is very important for the parameters of rifling to be recognized and extracted. (翻译:膛线诸参数的识别和提取是一个重要的部分。)

6. I recognized her by her red hair. (翻译:我从她的红头发认出了她。)

7. Someone must have recognized the king standing in line. (翻译:一定是排队时有人认出了国王 Someone must have recognized the king standing in line.)

8. If Nellie recognized you, it won't be safe here. (翻译:如果Nellie认出你,这里是不安全的。)

9. He recognized the Polish cadences in her voice. (翻译:他听出了她声音中抑扬顿挫的波兰腔。)

10. I recognized him by his walk. (翻译:我根据他走路的样子认出了他。)

11. You can't tell one person from the other, unless you heard their voice or recognized some other part of them. (翻译:或他们的其他特征来辨认 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}or recognized some other part of them.)

12. Well, I think Turtle recognized the scene. (翻译:我觉得Tuttle回想起了那个场景 Well, I think Tuttle recognized the scene.)

13. The SFR genes were recognized by the freezing sensitivity of mutants; (翻译:基因的SFR公司承认冻结敏感性的突变体;)

14. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. (翻译:理由是无神论者没有这样公众认可的节日很不公平。)

15. SPNEGO is an internationally recognized standard. (翻译:SPNEGO是得到国际认可的标准。)


