
生活学习2024-02-28 22:24:15帝王受






committal definition───交付定义

semiprecious stone───半宝石,次等宝石

with my family───和我的家人在一起

surmise definition───推测定义

mightily and merely people───强大而纯粹的人

panoramic view───全景

familiarization fire───熟悉火灾

strong mind───意志坚强;坚强的意志

promiscuous abandon───滥交

quick minded───敏捷的头脑


Anno asked me, "Miya-san, don't you have experience difficulty?" then I said, "no."───庵野问过我:“宫崎骏,你没有经历过困难吗?”

I know a Miya, but not the famous one.───我认识一个叫米娅的,但不是有名气的那一个。

Miya has her father's black skin and Leah is white like her mother.───米亚拥有和父亲一样的黑色皮肤,而利亚则是和她母亲一样的白色皮肤。

Mr Durrant said he began to suspect they were different colours when second-born Miya arrived.───在第二个出生的米亚降临之前,杜兰先生就开始怀疑她们将是不同肤色的。

At this point, and finally confirmed that this is a theft of the third Miya bank fraud cases.───至此,终于证实这是一起盗用第三家银行密押的诈骗案。

This is a movie that Miya-san makes freely. It takes two years at least.───这部电影完全是由宫崎骏操刀,而且至少得花两年时间。

Miya-san drew the additional 10 minutes of story boards in a hurry.───宫崎老师很快就画好了新加的10分钟分镜。

Aren't you getting married with Miya?───你不是要和米娅结婚了吗?

I thought that Miya-san must make this.───我觉得宫崎骏必须做这个。


Miya has her father's black skin and Leah is white like her mother.

This paper first showed the definition, value, different forms and resolving process of the scientific question given by iwa saki and miya haya.

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