baptized是什么意思 baptized的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-29 20:36:17高冷病友

1. 词义:表示被洗礼、受洗。

2. 词性:动词的过去分词形式。

baptized是什么意思 baptized的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:be baptized(受洗),baptize sb.(给某人施洗礼)。

4. 发音拼写:[bptazd]。

5. 例句:

(1) I was baptized in the river last summer.(我去年夏天在河里受洗了。)

(2) Their son will be baptized next month.(他们的儿子下个月要受洗礼。)

(3) The priest baptized the newborn baby.(牧师为新生儿施了洗礼。)

(4) She was baptized into the church when she was 18. (她xx岁时进入教会受洗礼。)

(5) The tradition of baptizing infants has been practiced for centuries.(婴儿受洗礼的传统已经持续了几个世纪。)




1. She was baptized in a river when she was a child.(她小时候在一条河里受了洗)

2. He was baptized at the age of 21 and joined the church soon after.(他xx岁的时候受了洗,很快加入了教会)

3. According to the New Testament, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.(根据新约,受洗时是由施洗约翰来给他洗礼的)




例句:And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight and rose up and was baptized. (扫罗的眼睛上,好像有鳞立刻掉下来,他就能看见,于是起来受了浸,)


例句:For a moment, I wondered whether they planned to tie me up to be baptized yet again, but most of them took scant notice of my panic. (有一阵,我想他们是否打算把我捆起来再洗礼,但大多数人对我的痛苦视而不见。)


例句:Have your children been baptized? (孩子们受过洗礼吗? Have your children been baptized?)


例句:And so one of the first things he did was to get himself baptized, because he wanted to get a set of godparents, because to an 18th-century slave, they knew that one of the major responsibilities of godfathers was to help you escape. (翻译:所以他做的第一件事就是受洗 因为他想有教父和教母 因为对于一个18世纪的奴隶 教父的一个主要责任 就是帮你逃脱 )


1. Have your children been baptized? (翻译:孩子们受过洗礼吗? Have your children been baptized?)

2. And so one of the first things he did was to get himself baptized, because he wanted to get a set of godparents, because to an 18th-century slave, they knew that one of the major responsibilities of godfathers was to help you escape. (翻译:所以他做的第一件事就是受洗 因为他想有教父和教母 因为对于一个18世纪的奴隶 教父的一个主要责任 就是帮你逃脱 )

3. NIV Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water, and people were constantly coming to be baptized. (翻译:约翰在靠近撒冷的哀嫩也施洗、因为那里水多.众人都去受洗。)

4. Pa preached that Tommy didn't die in a state of grace because his father wouldn't allow him to be baptized. (翻译:我的爸爸说 汤姆没有死在 神的恩典之中 因为 因力他的父亲不让他 接受洗礼)

5. Cor. 1: 14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius. (翻译:林前一14我感谢神,除了基利司布并该犹以外。)

6. If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart and got baptized, he'd be saved. (翻译:如果相信和受洗 他就能得到救赎)

7. Cor. 1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius. (翻译:林前一14我感谢神,除了基利司布并该犹以外。)

8. But I have been baptized and made new again. (翻译:已经受洗再世为人了 But I have been baptized and made new again.)

9. And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. (翻译:扫罗的眼睛上,好像有鳞立刻掉下来,他就能看见,于是起来受了洗。)

10. The giver... and taker of creation... baptized in blood. (翻译:万物的施予者... 和获取者... 在鲜血中受洗)

11. Preacher and the chaplain baptized a lot of guys over there. (翻译:教士和牧师在 给我们好多兄弟洗过礼)

12. It is said that when John the Baptist baptized Jesus, the skies opened up and a dove flew down from the sky. (翻译:据说约翰替进行受洗时 天际门户大开 一只白鸽飞出来)

13. Mathurin was baptized, strictly in accordance with the rules of the church. (翻译:你的证明,Mathurin刚在教堂受过洗礼)

14. By the way, if we get baptized we certainly can't take the Eucharist because that's eating meat. (翻译:顺便说一句,如果受洗了,我们不能接受圣餐,因为那得吃肉。)

15. Due to the presence of journalists, Medvedev to recognize the "not ready to be baptized in front of reporters. " (翻译:因有记者在场,承认“没做好准备在记者面前进行洗礼”。)
