my videos信息详情

生活学习2024-03-03 18:20:21何为爱情

my videos发音

my videos信息详情




funniest videos───最有趣的视频

babies videos───婴儿视频

meditate videos───冥想视频

believes videos───相信视频

snuffed videos───冷落的视频

organization videos───组织视频

crematory videos───火葬录像

changer videos───变换器视频

ballet videos───芭蕾舞视频


Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast?───为什么我录的视频回放的时候会很快?

As I say in my Videos: LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING.───如我在视频里所说的:“爱是一切的答案”。

That's why I always convert my videos to Flash first, then upload.───这就是为什么我总是转换我的影片第一次闪光,然后上传。

As I said already in my videos, the higher developed star nations will not interfere with the education of the earth people.───正如我已经在我的视频里说过,更高发展的星际国家是不会打搅地球人民的教育过程的。

I don't read the comments. I assume they're all positive, and my videos have never been flagged.───我没看过评论。我猜都是正面的评论,而且我的视频从未出错过。

I of course would need a trial version of this program to insure that it does in fact work and does not get my videos deleted.───当然,我就需要这个程式的试用版,以确保它其实工作并不并没有得到我的影片删除。

(1-of-5)---As I already said in my videos, each planet is a school where you learn to be spiritual and in harmony with nature.───我已经在我的视频里说过,每个星球都是你们学习灵性和与大自然和谐相处的学校。

As I say in my Videos, planet earth is in a process of transformation in order to move in a higher frequency.───正如我在视频里说过,行星地球正向更高的频率转换。

Okay, be funny! But I am not very good at being funny, if you haven't noticed from my videos.───对,幽默点!但是我并不是一个对幽默很在行的人,要是你没有从我的视频里注意到这一点的话。


Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast?
