dirk是什么意思 dirk的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-04 06:18:21



dirk是什么意思 dirk的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. He pulled out his dirk and held it to the intruder's throat.(他拔出短剑,将其放在入侵者的喉咙上。)

2. The Scotsman had a dirk tucked into his belt.(这个苏格兰人腰间插着一柄短剑。)

3. He sharpened his dirk with a sharpening stone.(他用磨刀石磨快他的短剑。)

4. Sheathed in his belt, the dirk was never far from his reach.(短剑插在腰带里,随时可取。)

5. The pirate drew his dirk and charged at the crew.(海盗拔出短剑冲向船员。)

6. The hilt of the dirk gleamed in the candlelight.(短剑的护手在烛光下闪亮。)

7. The Highlanders would often carry a dirk alongside their broadsword.(高地人通常会带着一柄短剑和他们的宽刃剑。)

8. He used the dirk to carve his name into the tree trunk.(他用短剑在树干上雕刻他的名字。)

9. She feared for her safety when she saw the dirk on his belt.(当她看见他腰间的短剑时,她担心自己的安全。)



1. He pulled out his dirk from his belt and prepared for battle.(他从腰带上拔出短剑,准备战斗。)

2. The dirk was beautifully crafted with an intricate hilt and sharp blade.(这把短剑制作精美,握柄上有复杂的雕刻,刀刃锋利。)

3. In Scottish clans, the dirk was a symbol of the warrior cl.(在苏格兰部落中,短剑是战士阶级的象征。)




例句:Crouchy is always going to be a big threat and Dirk's strength can unsettle teams. (克劳奇总是个大危险,库依特的强壮会让任何球队忌惮。)


例句:Dirk suggested that we hide during lunch, in the closet, on the set. (德克建议,我们隐藏在 午餐,在衣柜里,在集上。)


例句:Dirk Nowitzki(notes) was tired of everyone messing with his chance to be a champion, mistake upon mistake pushing him to the brink. (诺维茨基已经厌倦了所有人都在他成为总冠军的希望,一次又一次的错误把他逼到死亡边缘。)


例句:For example, you can connect as user "dirk." (翻译:例如,您可以作为用户“dirk”进行连接。)


dirk一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Dirk Bogarde(n. 狄保加第)、Dirk Diggler([网络] 德克狄格勒;大炮王迪哥;大炮迪克王)、dirk knife([网络] dirk刀)等常见短语中出现较多。

Dirk Bogarden. 狄保加第
Dirk Diggler[网络] 德克狄格勒;大炮王迪哥;大炮迪克王
dirk knife[网络] dirk刀
dirk knives[网络] dirk刀


1. Dirk Nowitzki(notes) was tired of everyone messing with his chance to be a champion, mistake upon mistake pushing him to the brink. (翻译:诺维茨基已经厌倦了所有人都在他成为总冠军的希望,一次又一次的错误把他逼到死亡边缘。)

2. For example, you can connect as user "dirk." (翻译:例如,您可以作为用户“dirk”进行连接。)

3. If Dirk could follow Rafa when he becomes the next coach of Juventus? I don't know. I cannot answer these questions now. (翻译:德克是否跟随可能成为尤文下任主教练的贝尼特斯转会?我不清楚。)

4. Beautiful typographic map designed by Dirk Sch? Chter from Germany. (翻译:来自德国的迪克设计的漂亮的排字印刷地图。)

5. You know, Dirk called me the other day. (翻译:Dirk called me the other day.)

6. These were things Dirk wasn't used to doing. (翻译:这些是Dirk过去不习惯做的。)

7. But in the Arctic, another feedback may stabilize the ice, wrote Max Planck Institute meteorologist Dirk Notz in PNAS. (翻译:然而,马克斯普朗克研究所的气象学家德克诺茨在《美国国家科学院学报》撰文,说北极的冰盖是稳定的。)

8. Atze and Dirk sit at the bar, coughing, rolling unfiltered cigarettes and asking if anyone wants a drink. (翻译:阿兹和德克坐在吧里,咳嗽着,手里转着未滤过的香烟,问着人是否要喝酒。)

9. Dirk Kuyt, Ryan Babel, Sander Westerveld and Bolo Zenden have all worn it - but what's the story behind Holland's famous orange shirt when their national flag is red, white and blue? (翻译:库伊特,巴贝尔,岑登等荷兰球员都穿着荷兰国家队的橙色战衣。但是荷兰的国旗却是红,白,蓝三色;为什么荷兰的球衣却是橙色? )

10. - Wilder is dead! - Dirk, what are you doing here? (翻译:what are you doing here?)

11. Cancer. I was working three jobs, so it fell to Dirk to take care of her. (翻译:癌症 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Cancer. 所以把照顾她的责任全留给了德克 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}So it fell to Dirk to take care of her.)

12. - Yeah. Name of the bus driver is Dirk MacGregor Sr. (翻译:巴士司机的名字叫老德克 Mcgregor {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Name of the bus driver is Dirk Mcgregor Sr.)

13. Hey, Dirk, I was just wondering if you could help me. (翻译:I was just wondering if you could help me. -怎么了)

14. I noticed an enormous difference between Dirk Harriman's projected figures and the ones off the extro-budget in the middle east market. (翻译:我注意到德克哈里曼预算 和中东部市场的追加预算之间 有巨大的差异)

15. Then he chuckled and added: "Unless they were going to send me here to Dallas with Dirk (Nowitzki), you know what I mean? " (翻译:然后他轻声笑着添加道:“除非他们会把我交易到达拉斯和德克搭档,你明白我的意思吗?”)


