度德而师之用英语怎么说 度德而师之英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-07 22:50:26飞翼

度德而师之英语翻译是"salvage pperty",还网络中常译为"satgu",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到99个与度德而师之相关短语翻译和用法。

度德而师之用英语怎么说 度德而师之英语翻译

1. And now an army of former slaves is marching to her gates.

2. These are not reasonable men.

3. We all feel bitterly disappointed for this

4. i see yo top squad is prepping for duty.

5. But also a terble thirst.

6. Oh the pain and anguish of taking it to the next ll nobody takes pictes of that.

7. "When a man's soul is good his spits will be evil... whereas if one's soul is art his spits will be stupid."

8. And that you would be On a winning team, 'cse At the end of the day,

9. Try a hair stylist instead of a barber.

10. O eight dred Huben soldiers...

11. Three quarter-tns to the left for the body.

12. Something about efficiency and pgress.

13. A quarter tn to the ght for the body...

14. As he stood before his victoous army and held his sword aloft, the lightning gods filled him with power,

译文:他站在胜利之师前面举起他宝剑 他站在胜利之师前面举起他宝剑 他站在胜利之师前面举起他宝剑。

15. - Pve it. Leonard, Duncan...
