name是什么意思 name的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-08 02:30:27欲与妄想

name是什么意思 name的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:have a name(有名字),call by name(以...称呼),in the name of(以...名义),take sb's name in vain(妄称某人之名),make a name for oneself(成名),brand name(品牌名称),pen name(笔名)




1. 我的名字是张三。

My name is Zhang San.

2. 他们称他为“钻石王老五”。

They call him "Diamond Jack".

3. 他的名字因他的宏伟事业而为人所知。

His name is known for his great achievements.

4. 以保护环境为名,我们应该采取行动。

In the name of protecting the environment, we should take action.

5. 不要妄称上帝的名字。

Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.

6. 他在音乐界已经成名了。

He has made a name for himself in the music industry.

7. 该产品的品牌名称是“可口可乐”。

The brand name of the product is "Coca-Cola".



1. My name is John.(我叫约翰。)

2. Can you give me your name, please?(请问你叫什么名字?)

3. He named his son after his grandfather.(他用他祖父的名字给他的儿子起名。)

4. This book is named after the author's hometown.(这本书以作者的家乡命名。)

5. Name three countries in North America.(请列举三个北美洲的国家。)

6. I can never remember the names of all my coworkers.(我总是记不住我所有同事的名字。)

7. What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.(名字有什么重要?玫瑰不论叫什么名字,都会一样香。)

8. Please don't use my name in public.(请不要在公众场合使用我的名字。)

9. The company has made a name for itself in the tech industry.(这家公司在科技行业中声名显赫。)




1. My name is Lucy. (我的名字叫露西。)

2. What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)

3. The company has changed its name. (公司已经更改了它的名称。)

4. The book bears the name of a famous author. (这本书带着一位著名作者的名字。)

5. He made a name for himself in the music industry. (他在音乐界赢得了名声。)




例句:Dude, her name was Jasmine. (her name was jasmine.)


例句:And while we're on the subject, what kind of a girly name is Angel? (what kind of a girly name is Angel?)


例句:-Your middle name is Fiona. (- Your middle name is Fiona.)


例句:Will you name a few of these agitators? (翻译:Will you name a few of these agitators?)


name一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在name name([网络] 名称;域名;的名称)、in ... name(na. 名义上的\n[网络] 在名义上;名义上地;有名无实的)、in name(名义上)等常见短语中出现较多。

name name[网络] 名称;域名;的名称
in ... namena. 名义上的\n[网络] 在名义上;名义上地;有名无实的
in name名义上
in name of代表(某人、某物); 凭借(某事物的)权威
name for以…的名字起名
name it讲出来
no name无签名
of name有名的
the name[网络] 名字;我爱过的名字;名称


1. -Your middle name is Fiona. (翻译:- Your middle name is Fiona.)

2. Will you name a few of these agitators? (翻译:Will you name a few of these agitators?)

3. (Dr Nasch) Christine, my name is Dr Nasch. (翻译:my name is Dr Nasch.)

4. - and his name is Papi! - Papi. (翻译:- and his name is Papi!)

5. Give me the wretched name! (翻译:The name. Give me the wretched name!)

6. Real name, Nicolai ltchenko. (翻译:Real name, Nicolai Itchenko.)

7. A Royal Progress in all but name. (翻译:A Royal Progress in all but name.)

8. And the name of the dog before this one. (翻译:And the name of the dog before this one.)

9. A good name is very important. (翻译:A good name is very important.)

10. And then i- Hi... Eli, my name is melinda gordon. (翻译:my name is Melinda Gordon.)

11. The younger sister of the kid sister, what name do you call? (翻译:what name do you call?)

12. I mean, can you give us a name? (翻译:can you give us a name?)

13. "Darling, you give love a bad name, bad name!" (翻译:Darling,you give love a bad name,bad name!)

14. A mental health worker was murdered last night on her rounds. (翻译:- Cause of death? what was her name?)

15. So, um, what did you say your name was? (翻译:what did you say your name was?)


