maximal是什么意思 maximal的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-08 08:40:27久橙

1. 词性:'maximal'是一个形容词,用来描述某个事物或者现象的最大化状态。

2. 同义词:'maximum'、'largest'、'greatest'等词可以代替'maximal'。

maximal是什么意思 maximal的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 常见用法:'maximal'通常用于科技、医学、数学等方面的文章中,也可以用于描述情感、力量等非物质方面。

4. 用法注意:'maximal'和'maximum'的区别在于'maximal'强调的是某物体内部的最大值,而'maximum'强调的是某个事物的极限值。例如,'the maximal value of this function is 10'和'the maximum number of partints is 100'的用法在意义上有所不同。

5. 英汉例句:

1. The maximal temperature in the desert can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius. (沙漠中的最高温度可以达到50摄氏度。)

2. The company aims to achieve maximal profit in the next fiscal year. (公司的目标是在下一个财年实现最大化利润。)

3. The doctor prescribed a maximal dose of medication to the patient. (医生给病人开了最大剂量的药。)

4. The maximal velocity of the rocket is 10,000 meters per second. (火箭的最大速度为每秒10,000米。)

5. She displayed maximal patience and understanding towards her friend's situation. (她对朋友的处境表现出最大的耐心和理解。)





1. El nmero de estudiantes en la clase es maximal en comparacin con otras clases de la escuela.(西班牙语)


2. La temperatura en la regin alcanz su valor maximal en el mes de agosto.(西班牙语)


3. Il y a un nombre maximal de cinq personnes qui peuvent participer cette runion.(法语)


4. La vitesse maximale de ce train est de 200 kilomtres par heure.(法语)


5. A legnagyobb gyzelem, amit valaha elrtnk, az volt, amikor 5:0-ra nyertnk az ellenfl ellen.(匈牙利语)


6. Az elrhet nyeresgek maximalizlsa rdekben a cgek gyakran az rak emelsvel rik el ezt.(匈牙利语)


7. La quantit mima di persone ammesse nel museo di 50 alla volta.(意大利语)


8. La velocit mima consentita in autostrada di 130 chilometri orari.(意大利语)


9. Maksymalna wygrana w t gr wynosi 1000 dolarw.(波兰语)



读音:m xing


1. The maximal capacity of the venue is 1000 people.(这个场馆的最大容量是1000人。)

2. The company has reached its maximal growth potential.(该公司已达到了最大的增长潜力。)

3. The team is working towards maximal efficiency in their operations.(该团队正在努力实现运营的最高效率。)




例句:During development, maximal security is not productive. (在开发期间,最大化安全性无助于生产。)


例句:The temperature of calcine is the maximal influencing factor for catalytic activity of catalysts. (其中焙烧温度对催化剂的催化活性影响最大。)


例句:the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next. (变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。)


例句:Clinical Study on Treating Esophageal Varicosis Rupture Bleeding by Maximal Sodium Morrhuate and Reptilase (翻译:大剂量鱼肝油酸钠合用立止血治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血的临床研究)


maximal一般作为形容词使用,如在maximal acceleration(最大加速度)、maximal accretive([数] 极大增值的)、maximal algebra(极大代数)等常见短语中出现较多。

maximal acceleration最大加速度
maximal accretive[数] 极大增值的
maximal algebra极大代数
maximal chain极大链
maximal clearance最大间隙;最大清除率
maximal clique[计] 极大系, 最大集团
maximal code[计] 最大码
maximal colour最全色
maximal compatible最大相容


1. the variation coefficient of the grain weight per plant was the maximal, grain weight and spikelet number of main ear was the next. (翻译:变异系数最大的性状也是单株粒重,其次是主穗粒重和主穗小穗数。)

2. Clinical Study on Treating Esophageal Varicosis Rupture Bleeding by Maximal Sodium Morrhuate and Reptilase (翻译:大剂量鱼肝油酸钠合用立止血治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血的临床研究)

3. Effect of Maximal Training on Serum Testosterone, Cortisol and Hemoglobin of Male Judoka (翻译:大负荷训练对男子柔道运动员血清酮、皮质醇及血红蛋白的影响)

4. Activity of IDH was maximal and of ME was minimal in epithelial organs. (翻译:活动idh是我的最大和最小的上皮。)

5. This phenomenon of extreme proximity, known as 'maximal perigee, ' only occurs once every 18 years. (翻译:这种被称为“近地点”的月球最大程度接近地球的现象每xx年才发生一次。)

6. And, tail loss of geckos also reduced the maximal distance, but taking food or gravidity of females did not. (翻译:而仅尾自切减小壁虎的最大持续运动距离,摄食和雌体怀对其无影响。)

7. Boundedness of Generalized Maximal Operators in Morrey Spaces on Homogeneous Spaces (翻译:齐型空间上的Morrey空间广义极大算子的有界性)

8. Generally speaking, KS-algebras are reflexive, maximal triangular with respect to its "diagonal subalgebra" . (翻译:粗略来说,KS-代数即为相对于其对角子代数的极大上三角自反代数。)

9. Real estate is that Chinese carbon discharges a maximal industry , Zhan is compared to 42% presumedly . (翻译:房地产是中国碳排放最大的一个行业,大概占比42%。)

10. The enantioseletivity can be improved obviously when the optical pure tartaric acid-LDHs powder was added during the process of extraction, the maximal enantioselective separation factor is 1.2. (翻译:在萃取过程中加入光学纯酒石酸柱撑水滑石粉末,能明显提高对映体的选择性,对映体选择性分离因子最大值可达1.2。)

11. Further, if S is a semiprime ring, then every maximal kernel of M is a direct summand of M. (翻译:进一步,如果S是半素环,那么M的每个极大核是M的一个直和项。)

12. The generalized inverse of partitioned matrices and the expression of generalized inverse using maximal nonsingular submatrix are discussed. (翻译:讨论了分块矩阵的广义逆,以及用矩阵的满秩子块表示广义逆。)

13. The rate of maximal pressure rising was lower with the mixing of biodiesel in the oxygenated fuel. (翻译:含氧燃料中生物柴油的加入使最大压力升高率减小,燃烧变得柔和;)

14. Each additional lumen decreases the size of the individual lumens, which will decrease the maximal rate at which fluids can be administered. (翻译:在总管径不变的情况下,每增加一个管腔就会减少各自的口径,进而减少液体的最大输注速度。)

15. And after this, I realized that on a scale of one to 10, one being minimal impact, 10 being maximal impact, if I took the trip, I was risking a one to three of temporary and reversible pain for an eight to 10 of positive, life-changing impact that could be a semi-permanent. (翻译:之后,我意识到用1到10来评测, 1是最小的影响,10是最大的影响, 如果我踏上旅途,我将面对 1到3个短暂的可解决的苦恼, 还有8到10个能深刻改变我生活的 积极影响。)
