slippers是什么意思 slippers的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-08 07:16:40别伤他


slippers是什么意思 slippers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性、意思和用法:


2. 与其他单词的关系:

'slippers'可以与许多其他单词搭配使用,例如:红色的拖鞋(red slippers),家居拖鞋(indoor slippers),女式拖鞋(women's slippers),橡胶底拖鞋(rubber-soled slippers)等。

3. 拓展词义和常见用法:


4. 相关的文化和传统:



1. She put on her fuzzy slippers and grabbed a cup of hot cocoa.


2. I bought a pair of slippers for my grandma's birthday present.


3. The hotel provides complimentary slippers for guests to use during their stay.


4. After a long day of work, I love slipping into my cozy slippers and relaxing on the couch.


5. In some cultures, it's considered impolite to wear ss inside the house, so you should always bring a pair of slippers when visiting.


slippers是指室内拖鞋,通常用于在家中穿着。中文翻译为“拖鞋”、“室内鞋”。读音为 /slprz/。


1. She kicked off her high heels and put on a pair of cozy slippers.


2. He padded across the room in his slippers.





例句:Now you can imagine at that time I had to switch the ridiculous boots for some slippers. (现在你可以想象一下,那时 我已经需要把那双搞笑的大鞋换成别的拖鞋了。)


例句:Uh, lots of things makes portals... beans, magic mirrors, uh, ruby slippers, some kinds of ashes. (很多东西都能造传送门 魔豆 魔镜 红宝石拖鞋)


slippers一般作为名词使用,如在Japanese slippers([网络] 日本拖鞋)、ruby slippers([网络] 红宝石鞋;红宝石舞鞋;红鞋)、showy lady slippers([网络] 漂亮的女士拖鞋\n(showy lady slipper 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

Japanese slippers[网络] 日本拖鞋
ruby slippers[网络] 红宝石鞋;红宝石舞鞋;红鞋
showy lady slippers[网络] 漂亮的女士拖鞋\n(showy lady slipper 的复数)


1. What can carpeting achieve that a good pair of slippers cannot? (翻译:一双好拖鞋比地毯更有用吧 What can carpeting achieve that a good pair of slippers cannot?)

2. He had his slippers on, and a loose bedgown. (翻译:他已经穿上拖鞋和宽驰的睡衣。)

3. Well, thank you for peeing in my slippers. (翻译:嗯 谢谢你在我的拖鞋里尿尿 Well, thank you for peeing in my slippers.)

4. My cappuccino machine, my bunny slippers, etcetera, etcetera. (翻译:我的卡布基诺咖啡机 我的兔子拖鞋等等 My cappuccino machine, my bunny slippers, etcetera, etcetera.)

5. Get me my rubbers, and put these slippers with our things. (翻译:把我的橡胶套鞋给我,把这对鞋子放到我们带来的包袱里。)

6. She could fetch your slippers for you, run off for your beer, comb your hair and everything. (翻译:她可以帮你拿拖鞋 帮你买啤酒,梳头什么的)

7. Champagne and pensions So this year, its goodbye coleslaw and slippers and into the basket for champagne and flat-panel televisions. (翻译:香槟酒和退休金如此的今年,资讯科技是再见凉拌卷心菜和拖鞋和进入篮子之内对于香槟酒和平板仪表板电视。)

8. I love my country and my slippers. (翻译:我是很好的波兰人 我爱我的祖国和我的拖鞋)

9. They weren’t magical slippers — just dingy sneakers with dishwater-color laces. (翻译:它们并不是什么神奇的拖鞋,只是系着洗碗水颜色的鞋带的肮脏球鞋。)

10. Mom said, life in the mountains was like feet in slippers. (翻译:妈说 山里人住在山里 就像脚放在鞋里面,舒服)

11. He pulled up his slippers at the heel, for he had trodden them down. (翻译:他把脚上的拖鞋拉了起来,因为他把拖鞋踩坏了。)

12. exports beddings , Christmas ornaments, indoor slippers, window curtains, window ornaments, and etc. (翻译:饰品、室内拖鞋、窗帘、窗饰等系列产品,工艺制作精细。)

13. Slippers and blankets and panda bears. (翻译:拖鞋 毛毯 还有熊猫抱枕 Slippers and blankets and panda bears.)

14. Could astronauts wear slippers? (翻译:宇航员能穿拖鞋吗? )

15. I do remember when I stole 2 left slippers at the market. (翻译:不过我还记得我在市场偷了 两只左边的拖鞋)


