毁用英语怎么说 毁的英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-09 12:03:22假洒脱

毁在英语中翻译是" go back on",其次还可以说成" demolish",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到70个与毁相关翻译和例句。

毁用英语怎么说 毁的英语翻译

Road to Perdition Road to Ruin Path Of Destruction Road of Devastation ( 毁灭之路 )

Destyer Demolishor Devastator ( 毁灭者 )

1. And you lost a lot of evidence.

2. The cotyard wall's destyed.

3. What self-destruct pgram? The one i uploaded.

4. Oh, she loves to ruin and ruin and ruin and ruin.

5. And that... uh... wrecked me.

6. Access granted. Self-destruct aborted.

7. They were called wreckers.

8. Ruin one of us, ruin all of us.

9. - That's ght. The crash.

10. Outer wall breach is imminent.

11. One machine gun completely destyed.

12. Shields collapsing, Captain.
