servlet是什么意思 servlet的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-09 16:28:40欛噵囡迋

1. 定义:servlet是一种用于Web服务器上的Java程序,用于处理客户端请求并生成动态Web内容的类。

servlet是什么意思 servlet的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 原理:servlet是基于Java的,并且运行在Web服务器上。servlet是服务器端组件。

3. 用途:servlet可用于创建站和Web应用程序,并且通常与JSP(JavaServer Pages)一起使用。servlet还可以与其他Web技术(如HTML、JavaScript、CSS等)一起使用,以提高网站的交互性和响应性。

Example sentences:

1. The servlet service() method is called by the container and the servlet handles the request.




4. The request and response objects are used by servlets to receive and send data to clients.


5. The servlet container provides a runtime environment for servlets to run in and manages the lifecycle of servlets.


中文翻译:Servlet是Java Web应用程序中的一种组件,用于处理客户端请求并生成响应。



1. 这个Web应用程序中的Servlet组件能够接收和处理来自浏览器的请求。

2. Servlet技术可以让开发者更加方便地开发面向Web的应用程序。

3. 为了提高系统的性能,我们可以使用Servlet来缓存一些常用的数据。


Chinese translation: Servlet是Java Web应用程序中的一种组件,用于处理客户端请求并生成响应。

Pronunciation: /svlt/

Example sentences:

1. The servlet component in this web application can receive and process requests from browsers.

2. Servlet technology makes it easier for developers to develop web-based applications.

3. In order to improve system performance, we can use servlets to cache some commonly used data.

servlet在中文中有"小服务程序 、伺服小程序"的意思,在英美地区还有"小服务程序"的意思,单词读音音标为[servlet],servlet常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到16个与servlet相关的例句。



例句:To run your Web application inside Eclipse, you need an Eclipse WTP-approved servlet engine. (要在Eclipse中运行Web应用程序,需要有一个支持EclipseWTP的servlet引擎。)


例句:Select the servlet. (选择 servlet。)


例句:Begin by creating your VXML in a VXML file, and test it out, just as you would when working with a servlet. (首先在一个VXML文件中创建您的VXML、测试它,这与使用servlet时相同。)


例句:Recompile the servlet. (翻译:再次编译这个servlet。)


servlet一般作为名词使用,如在Java servlet([网络] 开发工具包;介绍与实例;上传资料)等常见短语中出现较多。

Java servlet[网络] 开发工具包;介绍与实例;上传资料


1. Begin by creating your VXML in a VXML file, and test it out, just as you would when working with a servlet. (翻译:首先在一个VXML文件中创建您的VXML、测试它,这与使用servlet时相同。)

2. Recompile the servlet. (翻译:再次编译这个servlet。)

3. Reloading: Checks to see if the JSP source file, from which the servlet was created, has been modified and needs to be re-translated. (翻译:重载:检查以确定用于创建Servlet的JSP源文件是否被修改而需要进行重新转换。)

4. If the servlet were to access the database directly, the code would be very similar to the code in the session bean above. (翻译:如果servlet要直接访问数据库,那么代码就与上面会话bean中的代码非常相似。)

5. At the point that the Notes agent invokes the external servlet, it does not matter that the file the servlet looks for is in Notes. (翻译:Notes代理程序调用外部servlet时,servlet寻找的文件是否在Notes中并不重要。)

6. A Grails application is deployed in a standard servlet container, so Grails supports JSPs just as well as GSPs. (翻译:Grails应用程序部署在标准的servlet容器内,所以Grails对JSP的支持同对GSP的支持一样好。)

7. How do I do that just using servlets? (翻译:我如何能够仅使用servlet来完成它? )

8. As I moved over to server-side Java programming, I did not make the same mistakes with servlets, but I found that many of my customers did. (翻译:当我转向服务器端Java编程时,不过我发现我的很多客户都会犯这种错误。)

9. Outputting VXML from a servlet. (翻译:从servlet中输出vxml。)

10. At this point, I'm ready to deploy my dwr. xml to my Web application's WEB-INF directory, where the DWR servlet will pick it up. (翻译:现在,我准备把dwr.xml部署到Web应用程序的WEB-INF目录,在那里DWRservlet会读取它。)

11. Listing 2. Hello, Scala servlet! (翻译:清单2 . Hello, Scala servlet ! )

12. Just as you've seen in previous articles with servlets, JSP pages make it trivial to link between VXML pages. (翻译:在之前关于servlet的文章中已经提到,JSP页面使VXML页面之间的链接变得轻而易举。)

13. You can use the conditional #if directive of VTL to directly check for the existence of the database attribute in the servlet context. (翻译:您可以使用VTL的条件指示符#if直接检查在servlet上下文中是否存在数据库属性。)

14. As you can see in Listing 11, the *. jss pattern is mapped to the servlet. (翻译:从清单11可以看出,*.jss模式被映射给此servlet。)

15. The GoFor-It. com project is written mainly in the Java programming language using JSP and EJB components, servlets, and beans. (翻译:GoFor-It.com项目主要是用Java编程语言写的,用到了JSP和EJB组件、servlet和bean。)
