conservative是什么意思 conservative的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-09 22:02:40目光

conservative是什么意思 conservative的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:保守的,守旧的,保守主义的

2. 词性:形容词或名词

3. 常用场景:用于、社会、经济等方面的描述,常见于英美等发达国家,例如保守党(Conservative Party)、保守派(conservative wing)、保守主义(conservatism)等。

4. 词组搭配:

- conservative estimate 保守估计

- conservative trend 保守趋势

- conservative management 保守管理

- conservative investment 保守投资

5. 相关短语:

- be conservative in something 在某方面保守

- hold conservative views 持保守观点

- a conservative approach 保守的做法

- conservative values 保守价值观

6. 发音拼写:kns(r)vtv




1. He has a conservative attitude towards investing and always prefers low-risk options.(他对于投资持保守态度,总是喜欢低风险的选项。)

2. The old-fashioned businessman had a very conservative approach to marketing, which ultimately led to the downfall of his company.(这位老派商人在营销方面非常守旧,最终导致了他公司的崩溃。)

3. The politician's conservative views on immigration and border control have been met with mixed reactions from the public.(这位家在移民和边境管控方面的保守观点引起了公众的不同反应。)




例句:So to me, it's: How is the conservative media going to respond to it? (所以对我来说就是: 保守媒体怎么应对? )


例句:It makes you a hero with the conservative base, (让你成为保守派中的英雄 也支持我们的管控法案)


例句:Usually rednecks in this State vote for the conservative candidate. (这个州的农民一般都投保守派候选人的票。)


例句:Guys, the base is already concerned that John is not a true conservative. (翻译:各位 基础选民已经在担心 约翰不是正宗的保守派)


conservative一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在fiscal conservative([网络] 财政保守主义;保守主义者;财政保守主义者)、Progressive Conservative((加拿大)进步保守党)、social conservative([网络] 社会保守主义;社会保守主义者)等常见短语中出现较多。

fiscal conservative[网络] 财政保守主义;保守主义者;财政保守主义者
Progressive Conservative(加拿大)进步保守党
social conservative[网络] 社会保守主义;社会保守主义者
streetcorner conservative(自称为保守主义者而不懂其含义的)街头保守主义者
the conservative partyn. 保守党(英国主要政党之一,尤其信奉自由企业制度及产业私有化)\n[网络] 英国保守党;执政的保守党;英国的保守党
Progressive Conservative Party[网络] 进步保守党;执政进步保守党;加拿大进步保守党


1. Usually rednecks in this State vote for the conservative candidate. (翻译:这个州的农民一般都投保守派候选人的票。)

2. Guys, the base is already concerned that John is not a true conservative. (翻译:各位 基础选民已经在担心 约翰不是正宗的保守派)

3. We live in a very, very conservative community. (翻译:玛丽: 我们生活在一个非常,非常 保守的社会。)

4. Her style of dress was never conservative. (翻译:她的服装式样一点儿也不保守。)

5. A Conservative minister is warier. (翻译:某保守党大臣更加谨慎。)

6. - The rules of the Conservative Party... make it possible for Conservative MP's to depose a sitting Prime Minister. (翻译:- 保守党的规则... 让保守会议员 有权免职现任的首相)

7. Conclusion: Throbllytic therapy with defibrase is superior to conservative therapy. (翻译:结论:用降纤酶治疗急性脑梗死的方案要优于非溶栓治疗方案。)

8. My advice today, go to the conservative websites. (翻译:今天的建议是 去看看保守派的网站 {\3cH202020}My advice today: go to the conservative websites. -我看的)

9. The conservative media used to be Fox or Charles Krauthammer or George Will. (翻译:保守媒体要么是福克斯要么是 Charles Krauthammer或George Will )

10. He's a legitimate conservative with a ton of money. (翻译:-天呐 -吉姆也在那辆大巴上 - Shit.)

11. The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition. (翻译:该公司的保守本性不适合竞争。)

12. I was trying to be conservative. (翻译:我想穿得保守些。I was trying to be conservative.)

13. My family is very conservative. (翻译:我的家庭是非常保守的。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}My family is very conservative.)

14. And if they're not, steer the group onto a more conservative path. (翻译:如果没有 就让团队转为采取稳妥些的工作方式)

15. Oea has resumed printing, with conservative changes to the staff. (翻译:《奥亚报》现已恢复发行,但员工变得趋于保守了。)
