rock and roll是什么意思 rock and roll的中文翻译、读音、例句

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rock and roll是什么意思 rock and roll的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:rock and roll music(摇滚音乐)、rock and roll hall of fame(摇滚名人堂)

短语:shake, rattle and roll(摇摆、震颤和旋转)

发音拼写:/rk/ /nd/ /rol/


1. Elvis Presley is considered the "King of Rock and Roll".

2. The Beatles were one of the most famous rock and roll bands of the 1960s.

3. Many famous musicians in the history of rock and roll died young, such as Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.

4. I love dancing to rock and roll music at parties.

5. The film "Rock and Roll High School" is a clic example of a musical comedy.

'rock and roll'是英语词汇,翻译成中文是“摇滚乐”。


以下是9个含有“rock and roll”的例句:

1. Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel" is a clic rock and roll song.(翻译:猫王的《心碎旅馆》是经典的摇滚乐歌曲。)

2. Many agers in the 1950s loved to dance to rock and roll music.(翻译:20世纪xx年代,很多青少年喜欢跳摇滚乐。)

3. The Beatles are one of the most famous rock and roll bands in history.(翻译:披头士是历史上最著名的摇滚乐乐队之一。)

4. She dressed up in leather and went to a rock and roll concert last night.(翻译:她穿着皮革去参加了昨晚的摇滚乐演唱会。)

5. The Rolling Stones' music is a mixture of rock and roll and blues.(翻译:滚石乐队的音乐是摇滚乐和布鲁斯的混合。)

6. Jimi Hendrix was an incredible rock and roll guitarist.(翻译:吉米亨德里克斯是一位令人难以置信的摇滚乐吉他手。)

7. The 1970s were a golden age for rock and roll music.(翻译:20世纪xx年代是摇滚乐音乐的黄金时期。)

8. She learned how to play rock and roll on the guitar when she was a ager.(翻译:她十几岁的时候学会了在吉他上弹奏摇滚乐。)

9. He played drums in a rock and roll band for many years before becoming a music producer.(翻译:他在一支摇滚乐乐队中担任鼓手多年,在成为音乐制作人之前。)


读音:rk nd rl


1. Elvis Presley is considered the king of rock and roll. (翻译:猫王被认为是摇滚之王。)

2. The Beatles were one of the most influential rock and roll bands of all time. (翻译:披头士是有史以来最具影响力的摇滚乐队之一。)

3. I love listening to clic rock and roll music from the 1960s and 1970s. (翻译:我喜欢听上世纪xx年代的经典摇滚乐。)

rock and roll的意思是"曲、摇滚乐",作为名词时有"摇滚"的意思,在线读音是[rockandroll],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到62个与rock and roll相关的例句。

Rock and roll的中文翻译


例句:They have simply misunderstood what rock and roll is. (他们完全误解了摇滚乐是什么。)


例句:# She rock to the east She rock to... # (#She rock to the east She rock to... #)


例句:-When did you know that you wanted to be a rock 'n' roll musician? (- 你知道吗... ...你想成为真正的摇滚音乐家?)


例句:♪♪ When I'm the Rock and Roll... ♪♪ When I'm the Rock and Roll... ♪♪ When I'm the Rock and Roll star... (翻译:当我是摇滚 当我是摇滚 当我是摇滚巨星的时候)


rock and roll一般作为名词使用,如在on a roll(n. 连连获胜)、roll at((眼睛)盯着…打转)、roll by(平稳地过去, 流逝)等常见短语中出现较多。

on a rolln. 连连获胜
roll at(眼睛)盯着…打转
roll by平稳地过去, 流逝
roll in蜂拥而来\n[电] 转入
roll with因…而转动
roll with this[网络] 委屈点
to roll颠簸,摇摆
on the rock[网络] 加冰饮用;磐石岩壁;加冰块
rock this[网络] 导入曲
the Rock[网络] 勇闯夺命岛;绝地任务;石破天惊


1. -When did you know that you wanted to be a rock 'n' roll musician? (翻译:- 你知道吗... ...你想成为真正的摇滚音乐家?)

2. ♪♪ When I'm the Rock and Roll... ♪♪ When I'm the Rock and Roll... ♪♪ When I'm the Rock and Roll star... (翻译:当我是摇滚 当我是摇滚 当我是摇滚巨星的时候)

3. A college friend taught me that one technique! Rock'n'roll! (翻译:那是上学的时候从 朋友那里学到的唯一招式)

4. They can rock and roll, they can tango, but they can't bop. (翻译:他们会跳摇滚,会跳探戈,就是不会跳博普舞。)

5. Which is crazy, since rock and roll is all about good customer service. (翻译:- Which is crazy, 摇滚不是应该做客服的吗 since rock and roll is all about good customer service.)

6. whether it is called rock 'n' roll or the tango is today of no consequence. (翻译:可当人们爱上摇滚时 探戈就显得不那么重要了)

7. Roll me, rocking and reeling (翻译:Roll me, rocking and reeling)

8. That seems to be from everybody from a electrician to a rock 'n' roll star. (翻译:这一点大家都是一样的,无论是一名普通电工或者一个摇滚明星。)

9. We were rationed one steamed roll but it was hard as a rock (翻译:一天一个大馒头 硬得不得了,我们叫它“”)

10. ** ( Rock And Roll, Indistinct ) (翻译:** [ Rock And Roll ])

11. *That Jordan will roll... * (翻译:*That Jordan will roll... *)

12. Rock'n'roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking and it's not about money and popularity. (翻译:摇滚乐是一种生活方式 一种思考方式 重点不是钱或知名度)

13. Kavarna is a real-life city built on rock'n'roll. (翻译:卡瓦尔纳是建在摇滚乐上的富有生气的城市。)

14. Charles Raiteri reports on the Rock and Roll werewolves from the Black Lagoon. (翻译:查尔斯Raiteri 在摇滚报告 狼人 从黑湖。)

15. I wanna rock and roll all night (翻译:I wanna rock and roll all night)


rock and roll作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、rock、and、rolls等。
