english learning是什么意思 english learning的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-24 17:47:57把酒言欢

1. 词义:English learning 指的是学习英语这一过程或者学习英语的相关知识。

2. 词性:English 是一个名词,表示英语,learning 是一个动词的现在分词形式,表示学习。

english learning是什么意思 english learning的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:improve English learning (提高英语学习水平),English learning software (英语学习软件),distance English learning (远程英语学习)等。

4. 短语:常用的短语包括:English learning materials (英语学习资料),English learning resources (英语学习资源),English learning center (英语学习中心)等。

5. 发音拼写:English learning 的发音为 /l lrn/,拼写为“英语学习”。


1. English learning can be challenging, but it's also really rewarding.(学习英语可能很有挑战性,但也非常值得。)

2. She has dedicated herself to English learning for many years.(她已经致力于英语学习多年了。)

3. Online English learning has become increasingly popular in recent years.(近年来,网上英语学习变得越来越流行。)

4. His English learning progress is impressive, he's already fluent after just a few months.(他的英语学习进步令人印象深刻,短短几个月他已经能讲得很流利了。)

5. The English learning course offered by this university is known for its high quality.(这所大学提供的英语学习课程以高质量著称。)

英语学习。读音:[l lrn]。例句:

1. English learning is an important part of education nowadays. (英语学习是现代教育的重要组成部分。)

2. My friend is very dedicated to English learning and practices every day. (我的朋友非常专注于英语学习,每天都练习。)

3. Online resources have made English learning more accessible to people around the world. (在线资源使得英语学习更加容易接触到全球的人们。)

english learning在英语中代表"英文学习、网络"的意思,作为名词时有"英语学习"的意思,在线发音:[englishlearning],english learning常被用作名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到18个与english learning相关的句子。

English learning的词典翻译


例句:They follow humans around by day, learning their names. (learning their names.)


例句:It was the first time in my life thant learning English became intersting and rewarding. (在我的一身中学习英语第一次变得有趣和值得。)


例句:But, um... I got through it by learning some new tricks. (I got through it by learning some new tricks.)


例句:- In English, if possible. (翻译:- Yes. - In English, if possible.)


english learning一般作为名词使用,如在learning english(学习英语)、English English(英国英语)、learning(n. 学问, 学识, 学习\n[计] 学习)等常见短语中出现较多。

learning english学习英语
English English英国英语
learningn. 学问, 学识, 学习\n[计] 学习
in english用英语
the english英国人; 英格兰人
difficulty of learning学习困难
digital learning数位学习
direct learning直接学习


1. But, um... I got through it by learning some new tricks. (翻译:I got through it by learning some new tricks.)

2. - In English, if possible. (翻译:- Yes. - In English, if possible.)

3. Have you continued learning English, Haiyan? (翻译:海燕有没有一直在坚持学英文? )

4. Obnoxious English relative. (翻译:Obnoxious English relative.)

5. No need for English vanities here. (翻译:No need for English vanities here.)

6. Lucy impresses me first by her persistance in learning English. (翻译:露西最初给我的印象是,学习英语非常有毅力。)

7. Well, we've got at least 20 minutes. (翻译:请用英语... In English, please...)

8. The perfect English gentleman. (翻译:真正的英国绅士 The perfect English gentleman.)

9. Well, bearing in mind that the other language for this -- it's for people that speak English -- English speakers are learning quite a bit. (翻译:记住这一点,另一种语言是—— 针对说英语的人而言—— 学英语的人要学习不少东西。)

10. English grapheme segmentation rules learning based on the finite generalization algorithm in English speech synthesis (翻译:英语语音合成中基于有限泛化法的字素切分规则的机器学习)

11. Student: Patric. I've been learning English for a long long time. And I still can't speak good English. (翻译:学生:Patric.我学英语好久了,可我还是说不好英语,我都灰心了。)

12. I speak Mende and English - his language. (翻译:I speak Mende and English, his language.)

13. The English Language Assistant Trainer reports to the Language Learning Director (LLD) in the Disney English Learning Center. (翻译:英语助理培训师向在迪士尼英语学习中心的语言学习总监报告。)

14. Learning something about me? (翻译:在研究我吗? Learning something about me?)

15. What is that, is that English breakfast tea? (翻译:is that English breakfast tea?)
