buckwheat是什么意思 buckwheat的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-24 18:30:44〆醉枫染墨ゾ

词义:buckwheat 是一种杂粮作物,其种子可以磨成面粉用于制作食品,也可以作为饲料。buckwheat 还有一种用于配制脱酸麸技术的麦芽。

buckwheat是什么意思 buckwheat的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:buckwheat noodles(荞麦面条)、buckwheat flour(荞麦面粉)、buckwheat pancakes(荞麦煎饼)、buckwheat honey(荞麦蜂蜜)、buckwheat bread(荞麦面包)、buckwheat porridge(荞麦粥)


发音拼写:英 [bkwit];美 [bkwit]


1. Buckwheat is a nutritious and gluten-free grain that can be used in place of wheat.(荞麦是一种富含营养而且不含麸质的谷物,可以代替小麦使用。)

2. I love buckwheat pancakes with a dollop of er and maple syrup on top.(我喜欢在荞麦煎饼上加一勺黄油和枫糖浆。)

3. Buckwheat flour is a great alternative for people who are allergic to wheat.(荞麦粉是对小麦过敏的人们的一个很好的替代品。)

4. Buckwheat honey has a unique, robust flavor that makes it great for baking and cooking.(荞麦蜂蜜有独特而浓郁的味道,因此非常适合烘焙和烹饪。)

5. She made a delicious buckwheat porridge for breakfast with fresh fruit and nuts on top.(她为早餐做了一份美味的荞麦粥,上面放了新鲜的水果和坚果。)

6. The farmer planted buckwheat to improve the soil quality in his field.(那位农民种植荞麦来改善他的田地土壤质量。)

7. Buckwheat is a drought-resistant crop that can grow in a variety of environments.(荞麦是一种耐旱的作物,可以在各种环境下生长。)


读音:b wheat


1. Buckwheat is a type of plant that is used as food.


2. I often eat buckwheat noodles for lunch.





例句:Buckwheat is an important resource for food crops and medicine crops, also is one of the traditional agricultural products for exporting. (荞麦是重要的粮食作物和药用植物资源,也中国传统的出口农产品。)


例句:People buy buckwheat. In preparation for the next invasion. (人们在屯粮食 为下一次的外星人入侵做准备)


例句:The Buckwheat Baked Flour takes the baked buckwheat flour as the dominant factor, the starch as the food to be mixed. (荞麦烘烤混合粉是以荞麦粉为主,配以少量添加剂、淀粉、熟制粉混合而成的。)


例句:Foods that are most well received by foreigners are tempura, sukiyaki, sushi, sashimi, buckwheat noodles, and soybean curd. (翻译:外国人最熟知的日本菜是天妇罗、鸡素烧、寿司、荞麦面条和豆腐等。)


buckwheat一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Japanese buckwheat(日本荞麦)、tartarian buckwheat(苦荞[麦])、tartary buckwheat(【植物】苦荞麦 (Fagopyrum tataricum))等常见短语中出现较多。

Japanese buckwheat日本荞麦
tartarian buckwheat苦荞[麦]
tartary buckwheat【植物】苦荞麦 (Fagopyrum tataricum)
wild buckwheat[医]金荞麦
golden buckwheat rhizome金荞麦
golden buckwheat rhizone金荞麦


1. The Buckwheat Baked Flour takes the baked buckwheat flour as the dominant factor, the starch as the food to be mixed. (翻译:荞麦烘烤混合粉是以荞麦粉为主,配以少量添加剂、淀粉、熟制粉混合而成的。)

2. Foods that are most well received by foreigners are tempura, sukiyaki, sushi, sashimi, buckwheat noodles, and soybean curd. (翻译:外国人最熟知的日本菜是天妇罗、鸡素烧、寿司、荞麦面条和豆腐等。)

3. For noodles, I used earthy buckwheat soba. (翻译:面条用的是质朴的荞麦面。)

4. It is highly likely that the patient was sensitised by sleeping on a pillow stuffed with buckwheat husk. (翻译:这很可能是由病人与荞麦皮枕头睡觉塞敏感。)

5. RESULTS There was some difference of the content of Rutin of buckwheat from different habitats and different organs. (翻译:结果不同产地、不同部位荞麦中芦丁的含量存在一定的差异。更详细。)

6. Soba noodles are a mixture of buckwheat, flour and eggs. It looks similar to spaghetti in shape. (翻译:荞麦面条的原料是荞麦粉、小麦粉和鸡蛋,外形很象意大利通心粉。)

7. Beside the barren Zeya he heard of the Shilka, where peas, barley and buckwheat grew. (翻译:在贫瘠的结雅河边他听说有一条石勒喀河,那里生长着豌豆、大麦和荞麦。)

8. Pancakes made from buckwheat can help keep your skin clear. (翻译:各种各样的由荞麦粉做成的薄煎饼都可以使皮肤保持清透。)

9. With Spanky and Alfalfa and Buckwheat? (翻译:随着,huh ... Spanky吗,紫苜蓿和他们,荞麦?)

10. If you're in Northern Europe or North America, you can use things like buckwheat husks or oat hulls. (翻译:如果你在北欧或者北美, 可以用荞麦皮或者燕麦皮。)

11. Objective to determine the content of total flavonoids from Tartary buckwheat. (翻译:目的测定苦荞菜中总黄酮的含量。)

12. We have flat white and buckwheat noodles, all instant. (翻译:快餐乌龙面、快餐荞麦面... 如果你拉下面那根线会自动加热)

13. Butter, oil, buckwheat, grits rice, meal ... (翻译:黄油, 橄榄油, 荞麦, 玉米粉 ... ...大米, 膳食...)

14. The buckwheat has two cultivated species, Tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat. (翻译:荞麦有苦荞和甜荞两个栽培种。)

15. In recent years, with the concept of market economy, farmers increased the acreage of buckwheat increased every year. (翻译:近年来,随着农民市场经济观念的增强,荞麦的种植面积逐年增大。)
