rel是什么意思 rel的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 14:18:05冰波

1. 词的意思: Rel是一种缩写形式,通常表示“关系”或“相关性”。

2. 词性: Rel通常被用作名词或缩写形式。

rel是什么意思 rel的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 常用场景: Rel常常用于各种领域,例如社会关系、人际交往、数据分析等。

4. 词组搭配:与'Rel'相关的常见词组包括'Relationship'(关系)、'Relevant'(相关的)、'Relation'(关系)、'Relay'(中继)等。

5. 相关短语:与'Rel'相关的常见短语包括'Relative to'(相对于)、'In relation to'(关于)、'Have a good relationship with'(与……关系良好)等。

6. 发音拼写:'Rel'的发音为/rel/,与'real'的发音类似。




1. Mon konprey REL angl, franse ek espaol.(我会说英语、法语和西班牙语。)

2. Nou ti pou aprann plizy REL dan lekol.(我们在学校学习多种语言。)

3. Mo pa konpran seki ou pe dir, ou pe koze en lot REL.(我不懂你在说什么,你在说另一种语言。)

4. Mwa, mo prefe konn enn sel REL.(我更喜欢只掌握一种语言。)

5. Zot pe meytriz enn bann REL byen vit.(他们很快就会掌握多种语言。)

6. Nou bizin sa REL-la pou nou travay.(我们需要这种语言来工作。)

7. Li pena konpran REL krol.(他不懂克里奥尔语。)

8. Mo ti gagn enn bon not dan mo REL ekri ek parl.(我在写和说的语言中获得了好成绩。)

9. Kifer to pa aprann enn lot REL ? Mo panse li enportan.(为什么你不学另一种语言?我觉得这很重要。)




1. Family rel ationships are very important to me. (家庭关系对我来说非常重要。)

2. The rel evant documents have been submitted already. (相关文件已经提交了。)

3. He has no rel ation to the crime. (他对这个罪行没有任何关系。)




例句:You see two parameters: rel and options. (可以看到两个参数:rel和options。)


例句:Chin a a nd A ceric a have a long history tog ether. Now is the right time to build an even closer a nd stronger rel a tion ship. (中国和美国都拥有很长的历史,现在是建立更加密切和牢固的关系的时候。)


例句:Subroutine for the FACT, using recursion, the results on the REL storage unit. . . (子程序为FACT,采用递归实现,结果放在REL存储单元中…)


例句:This is a relatively new tool for SEOs to use, it was first announced back in February 2009. Wow was it really that long ago? ! (翻译:rel=canonical是一个相对较新的工具对seo来使用,它第一次提出是在xx年xx月,wow这个是真的很久以前耶?)


rel一般作为名词使用,如在ex rel([法] 参见ex elatione)、rel.(abbr. relating;relative;relatively)、ex rel.([网络] 依据告发)等常见短语中出现较多。

ex rel[法] 参见ex elatione
rel.abbr. relating;relative;relatively
ex rel.[网络] 依据告发
rel. .abbr. = relative oun


1. Subroutine for the FACT, using recursion, the results on the REL storage unit. . . (翻译:子程序为FACT,采用递归实现,结果放在REL存储单元中…)

2. This is a relatively new tool for SEOs to use, it was first announced back in February 2009. Wow was it really that long ago? ! (翻译:rel=canonical是一个相对较新的工具对seo来使用,它第一次提出是在xx年xx月,wow这个是真的很久以前耶?)

3. Now the test lead can see that only two scenarios have been run against the Rel4_V2_TSVT1 iteration for the Fiji project, so far. (翻译:至此,测试领导者能够只查看到两个为Fiji项目而运行的Rel4_V2_TSVT1迭代的场景。)

4. rel - This column displays all of the XFN relationships for this link. See more at the Add Link SubPanel. (翻译:这个栏显示了这个链接的所有的XFN关系。更多的请看看添加链接子面板。)

5. Technically, a rel=canonical tag is a bit easier to implement as it doesn't involve doing anything server side. (翻译:从技术上讲一个rel=canonical标签很容易实现,因为它不涉及服务器端所做的事情。)

6. The obvious approach with link headers would be to say Link: rel= "inherits" . (翻译:使用链接头的显而易见的做法可能是形如这样的链接:rel=&rel=“inherits”。)

7. Under the condition of high construction rigidity, its first high order type of vibration was of skipping type which had rel. . . (翻译:在高的结构刚度值条件下,其第一高阶振型为跳跃式,有较大的固有频率值,振幅比也大。)

8. Link relation extensions involve the creation of a new link element rel attribute value that identifies a new type of link relation. (翻译:链接关系扩展包括创建新的link元素和rel属性值,标识新的链接关系类型。)

9. Therefore a rel=canonical would work fine in this situation. (翻译:因此一个rel=canonical在这种情景下会更好。)

10. It is worn loose, vaporous. (翻译:要系得松一点 轻轻的 Il faut le porter relch, vaporeux.)


