marrakesh是什么意思 marrakesh的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 16:30:46舞汐


marrakesh是什么意思 marrakesh的中文翻译、读音、例句






1. The streets of Marrakesh are known for their vibrant colors and bustling bazaars. (摩洛哥市的街道以其充满活力的颜色和繁华的集市而闻名。)

2. She purchased beautiful handmade rugs from a local vendor in Marrakesh. (她在摩洛哥当地的供应商那里购买了美丽的手工制品地毯。)

3. Marrakesh is a popular destination for tourists seeking an immersive cultural experience. (摩洛哥市是寻求身临其境的文化体验的游客的流行目的地。)

4. The architecture of Marrakesh is a beautiful blend of Islamic and North African influences. (摩洛哥市的建筑是和北非影响的美丽融合。)

5. Marrakesh is a UNESCO World Heritage site, recognized for its unique cultural significance. (摩洛哥市是教科文组织世界遗产,以其独特的文化意义而得到认可。)



1. Les souks de Marrakech sont clbres pour leurs ta et leurs bijoux.(马拉喀什的集市以地毯和珠宝著名。)

2. La place Djemaa El Fna est le cur de Marrakech.(詹玛艾菲纳广场是马拉喀什的中心。)

3. La mosque de la Koutoubia est l'un des monuments les plus clbres de Marrakech.(库图比亚寺是马拉喀什最著名的古迹之一。)

4. L'architecture traditionnelle de Marrakech est magnifique.(马拉喀什的传统建筑非常漂亮。)

5. Les jardins de Majorelle Marrakech sont un joyau botanique.(马拉喀什的马若雷尔花园是一个植物宝库。)

6. Marrakech est une ville chaude et ensoleille toute l'anne.(马拉喀什全年气候温暖、阳光明媚。)

7. La cuisine marocaine Marrakech est dlicieuse.(马拉喀什的摩洛哥菜很美味。)

8. Les riads Marrakech offrent une exprience d'hbergement unique.(马拉喀什的里亚德酒店提供独特的住宿体验。)

9. Les couleurs et les odeurs de Marrakech sont inoubliables.(马拉喀什的色彩和气味是难忘的。)

marrakesh的中文翻译是“马拉喀什”(M l k sh)。



1. Marrakesh is a fascinating city with rich history and culture. (马拉喀什是一个充满历史和文化的迷人城市。)

2. I bought a beautiful rug from a market in Marrakesh. (我在马拉喀什的市场上买了一张漂亮的地毯。)

3. Marrakesh is known for its stunning architecture and bustling souks. (马拉喀什以其令人惊叹的建筑和熙熙攘攘的集市而闻名。)




例句:Morocco is a gateway to Africa. Major tourism cities in the North African kingdom include the capital of Rabat, Casablanca – the country's largest city - Marrakesh and Agadir. (摩洛克位于非洲北部地区,被称为通往非洲的一扇大门,主要旅游城市包括首都拉巴特、最大城市卡萨布兰卡、马拉喀什以及阿加迪尔市。)


例句:I saw in my beloved marrakesh a haven where I could regain my strength. (我认为可爱的马拉喀什是一个休养胜地,在这里,我能够恢复体力。)


例句:Moroccan judge has sentenced to death a man found guilty of carrying out an April bomb attack on a tourist cafe in Marrakesh. (摩洛哥法官宣判一名男子死刑,此人涉嫌xx月份在马拉喀什一家旅游餐馆实施一起袭击。)


例句:First we was flying to Morrocco, to Marrakesh and next by bus, by taxi we travel to the South, to Mauretani and Senegal. (翻译:我们先飞去摩洛哥,去了那里的马拉喀什,然后或者坐公共汽车,或者打的,到了非洲南边的毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔。)


1. Moroccan judge has sentenced to death a man found guilty of carrying out an April bomb attack on a tourist cafe in Marrakesh. (翻译:摩洛哥法官宣判一名男子死刑,此人涉嫌xx月份在马拉喀什一家旅游餐馆实施一起袭击。)

2. First we was flying to Morrocco, to Marrakesh and next by bus, by taxi we travel to the South, to Mauretani and Senegal. (翻译:我们先飞去摩洛哥,去了那里的马拉喀什,然后或者坐公共汽车,或者打的,到了非洲南边的毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔。)

3. So, he can navigate the bazaars of Marrakesh, but he gets "lost upstairs" looking for a bathroom? (翻译:他能穿梭于马拉喀什的集市间... 可他竟然因为找厕所 而“在楼上迷了路”?)

4. Tunisia only received significant coverage in BBC4's On Hannibal's Trail and Morocco in Channel 4's Jamie does Marrakesh. (翻译:只有BBC4的“汉尼拔的足迹和摩洛哥”聚焦了突尼斯形势。)

5. There were also rallies in Casablanca, Marrakesh and several smaller cities. (翻译:卡萨布兰卡,马拉喀什和几个较小的城市也发生了聚会。)

6. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh. (翻译:旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。)

7. Located in central Morocco, Marrakesh rests at the foothills of the snowcapped Atlas Mountains. (翻译:位于摩洛哥中心的马拉喀什市,她坐落于阿特拉斯山脉的雪峰山下。)

8. Marrakesh has many names- the Red City, Pearl of the south, the Heartbeat of Morocco- and lives up to them all. (翻译:马拉喀什有着许多的名字——红城、南方之珠、摩洛哥的活力泉源——各个都名符其实,当之无愧。)

9. I saw in my beloved Marrakesh a haven where I could regain my strength. (翻译:我认为可爱的马拉喀什是一个休养胜地。在这里。我能够恢复体力。)


