wild child是什么意思 wild child的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 15:02:46浪痞


wild child是一个英语词汇,指的是一个行为极端、不受约束的孩子。这个词汇也可以用来形容一个成年人,特别是那些行为极端、不羁的人。

wild child是什么意思 wild child的中文翻译、读音、例句


wild child是一个名词短语,由两个词组成,wild是形容词,child是名词。


这个词汇通常用于描述那些行为极端、反叛、拒绝接受规则和约束的孩子或成年人。在教育领域,wild child被用来形容那些难以管理、通常需要特殊关注和支持的学生。此外,这个短语还可以用来描绘电影中的主人公、文学作品中的角色或某些名人。


wild child通常与以下词语搭配使用:

- Raise a wild child(养育一个不羁的孩子)

- Tame a wild child(驯服一个野性的孩子)

- A wild child at heart(内心像个野孩子)

- She's a wild child(她是个不羁的人)


wild child还有几个相关的短语:

- Wild and crazy(狂野而疯狂的)

- Wild at heart(心中野蛮)

- Wild goose chase(徒劳无功)


wild child的发音是[wahyld chahyld],发音时要注意w和ch的发音。其中,wild的发音为/wald/,child的发音为/ tald/。


读音:wld tald


Tom is a wild child and never listens.

wild child在中文中有"野蛮公主、自然之子"的意思,其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,在线发音:[wildchild],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到16个与wild child相关的例句。

Wild child的中文翻译


例句:Yes, I think I will have some bourbon, preferably Wild Turkey. (是的 我想来些烈酒 最好是Wild Turkey[土耳其烈酒])


例句:Every single creature gets a chance to sleep, and a chance to wake, just as it would in the wild... (just as it would in the wild...)


例句:When I was a child, I spoke as a child. (小时候 我说话像个孩子 When I was a child, I spoke as a child.)


例句:So you're part of the Wild Bunch? (翻译:你也是 Wild Bunch 的一份子?)


wild child一般作为名词使用,如在child(孩子 )、this child(本人,鄙人)、with child(怀孕)等常见短语中出现较多。

this child本人,鄙人
with child怀孕
in the wild[网络] 在野外;在自然环境下;处于野生状态
the wild荒野,户外
wild wild west飙风战警
difficult child难养型小孩
disadvantaged child生活条件差的儿童;贫穷儿童
easy child安逸型小孩


1. When I was a child, I spoke as a child. (翻译:小时候 我说话像个孩子 When I was a child, I spoke as a child.)

2. So you're part of the Wild Bunch? (翻译:你也是 Wild Bunch 的一份子?)

3. ♪ I remember wild and wild and free ♪ (翻译:l remember wild and wild and free)

4. [ Burnecker ] I don't see anything. [ Cowley ] I think it's Ackerman. [ Abbott ] You're crazy. (翻译:Then stop being a child!)

5. A carnation for the child? (翻译:给孩子买支康乃馨? A carnation for the child?)

6. I don't want to be either I wanna be next to you ♪ (翻译:♪When it grows wild♪)

7. ♪ all you young, wild girls (翻译:♪ Yeah, you young, wild girls ♪)

8. And just listen to that crowd go wild for Hobbs! (翻译:听听大家欢呼霍布斯的声音! And just listen to that crowd go wild for Hobbs!)

9. She possessed the mother to kill the child. (翻译:She possessed the mother to kill the child.)

10. ♪ but I still drive them all night long ♪ (翻译:♪ All you young, wild girls ♪ ♪ You make a mess of me ♪)

11. ## And the crowd goes wild ## (翻译:[And the crowd goes wild])

12. The world is dark and wild (翻译:# 这世界黑暗野蛮 # # The world is dark and wild #)

13. This young Harlem child put it down like blink (翻译:This young Harlem child put it down like bling)

14. I forgot about that second baby. Oh, we had another child. (翻译:we had another child.)

15. There was a child present. (翻译:现场还有个孩子 There was a child present.)
