adriana是什么意思 adriana的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 19:58:46孤独的风

1. 发音: Ad-ri-a-na /drin/

2. 含义: Adriana是一个女子名字,源自拉丁语“Adrinus”,意为“来自亚德里亚”或“黑色的”。

3. 用法: Adriana可以用作人名或地名,一般用于女性。

4. 其他: Adriana也是一个音乐组合、服装品牌和电影中的角色名字。


1. Adriana是一个非常受欢迎的女孩名字。

2. 这件衣服是Adriana品牌的。

3. Adriana是罗马尼亚一个美丽的城市。

4. 在这部电影中,主角的名字叫Adriana。


1. Adriana always wears a smile on her face.

2. I bought this dress from the Adriana collection.

3. Adriana Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil.

4. The character Adriana in the movie is played by Scarlett Johansson.

5. Adriana is an Italian opera singer with a beautiful voice.

adriana 的中文翻译为阿德里安娜。



1. Adriana 是我的好朋友,她很聪明,也很善良。(Adriana is my good friend, she is very intelligent and kind.)

2. 我们昨晚和 Adriana 一起去看电影了。(We went to see a movie together with Adriana last night.)




例句:Imagine, for a moment, if we can crowdsource information from all of them to help people like Adriana and her children to find safe and reliable paths. (想像一下,如果我们能 从他们所有人身上收集信息, 来帮助像阿德瑞娜及 她的孩子那样的人, 找到安全可靠的路径会怎样。)


例句:I don`t know. I think he`s helping Adriana Cruz. (我不知道他在哪里 他不是去帮爱德安娜了吗?)


adriana一般作为名词使用,如在Adriana(阿德里亚娜 女子名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Adriana阿德里亚娜 女子名


1. We never got a chance to talk in detail about Adriana. (翻译:艾德莲娜的事我们一直 没机会好好谈谈细节)

2. Why, on the night of her death hadn't Adriana worn it as usual? (翻译:为什么 她死的那一晚 安德丽亚不一如既往穿着它?)

3. Adriana, this is my cousin Gregory, the ambulance chaser. (翻译:艾德莲娜,这是我堂弟葛瑞 那个专处理车祸的律师)

4. About him and adriana, what her mother said he did to her? (翻译:竟然相信她母亲说 他可能杀了Adriana)

5. I mean it, Adriana. I love you. (翻译:-什么? 我是认真的,艾德莲娜,我爱你 我要你嫁给我)

6. That got banned, with Claudia Schiffer. (翻译:很复杂 谁忘得了Adriana那个超级碗广告)

7. I think you owe me this, as I came to you about Adriana. (翻译:我认为你这次欠我的 因为我为了Adriana来找你)

8. Adriana... it's a syndrome, protecting abusers. (翻译:-艾德莲娜... 这是种症状,受虐者会倾向保护施虐者)

9. Whenever I get the catalogs, I cut off Adriana Lima's head and paste my own face into the picture. (翻译:每次一拿到宣传目录 我就剪下 Adriana Lima的头 把自己的贴上去)

10. Adriana, chronic deficiency, 700. (翻译:嗨, 宝贝 阿珠娜, 效率不高, 一晚700美元)

11. Adriana: No problem. Enjoy your meeting tomorrow. (翻译:没问题。祝你明天的会议一切顺利! )

12. Man: Adriana always a star. (翻译:阿德瑞娜总是星采熠熠 Adriana always a star.)

13. Adriana misses the trees and greenery of her native mountains. (翻译:阿德里安娜想念家乡高山上的那些树和青葱的草木。)

14. Marvin Trank or Adriana Lima's bosom... we're gonna have a problem. (翻译:只要他不叫Marvin Trank 或者不是Adriana Lima的... 我就要找他麻烦了)

15. - She's got it in her head that Christopher killed Adriana. (翻译:她就认定了 说Christopher把Adriana杀了)
