nelly是什么意思 nelly的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 21:50:46烟痕


nelly是什么意思 nelly的中文翻译、读音、例句






1. Nelly is a talented singer and songwriter.(Nelly是一位才华横溢的歌手和词曲创作人。)

2. I met a girl named Nelly at the party last night.(昨晚在派对上我遇到了一个名叫Nelly的女孩。)

3. Nelly is known for her catchy melodies and inspiring lyrics.(Nelly以其动听的旋律和鼓舞人心的歌词而闻名。)

4. My friend's daughter is named Nelly after her grandmother.(我的朋友的女儿因为她的祖母而被命名为Nelly。)

5. Nelly's music always lifts my mood and makes me feel happier.(Nelly的音乐总是能让我情绪高涨、感到更快乐。)




1. Nelly is a very popular name for girls in some English-speaking countries.


2. Nelly loves to dance and sing.





例句:Oh, you see, Nelly, he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave. (啊,你瞧,耐莉,他都不肯暂时发发慈悲好让我躲开坟墓。)


例句:We're not monsters, J. Nelly's our friend. (真的吗? 我们不是大恶人 Jenny Nelly是我们的朋友)


例句:Nelly Benin. Russian scientist. (Nelly Benin 俄国研究员 Nelly Benin.)


例句:No, Mr Lockwood, 'said Nelly, shaking her head. (翻译:我说。“不,洛克乌德先生,”耐莉说,摇摇她的头。)


nelly一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Nelly(n. 内丽(女子名, 等于Eleanor, Ellen, Helen))、high nelly([网络] 高鼻子)、negative Nelly(耐莉)等常见短语中出现较多。

Nellyn. 内丽(女子名, 等于Eleanor, Ellen, Helen)
high nelly[网络] 高鼻子
negative Nelly耐莉
nelly furtado[人名]妮莉费塔朵
nervous nelly[网络] 手震脚震;紧张的奈利
nice Nelly装得规规矩矩的人, 委婉语
sitting by nelly[俚语]跟别人学着做;见习
sitting with nelly[俚语]跟别人学着做;见习
wet nelly[网络] 湿尼利


1. Nelly Benin. Russian scientist. (翻译:Nelly Benin 俄国研究员 Nelly Benin.)

2. No, Mr Lockwood, 'said Nelly, shaking her head. (翻译:我说。“不,洛克乌德先生,”耐莉说,摇摇她的头。)

3. Why "Country Grammar" by Nelly became a Grammy Award-winning single was because people already knew "We're going down down baby your street in a Range Rover ... " That's the beginning of "Down down, baby, down down the roller coaster, sweet, sweet baby, I'll never let you go." (翻译:为什么Nelly的“Country Grammar” 可以获得格莱美奖, 是因为人们早已知道 “我们坐在路虎车里 沿着你的街道往下走 ...” 这句歌词是借鉴了“下来,下来, 宝贝,从过山车上下来, 甜心宝贝儿,我永远不会让你离开。” )

4. Will you do so, my good Nelly? (翻译:你愿意这样做吗,我的好耐莉? )

5. Let me get off my wet clothes, and I'll tell you all about it, Nelly, ' he replied. (翻译:“让我脱掉湿衣服,再告诉你怎么回事,耐莉。”他回答。)

6. Like little wispy daisies are sprouting out my ears. (翻译:He made me feel beyond nelly...)

7. Tomorrow there's Nelly, Monsieur Vachye. (翻译:明天 雷莉和 绘画老师他们要来 事到如今应该让步 那正是我的希望)

8. But thank you, Nelly. Your misinformation has been invaluable. (翻译:不过还是谢谢你 Nelly 你那些错误的理念是无价的)

9. Nelly was just telling me you invited her here to meet with her. (翻译:Nelly刚告诉我你请她过来为了跟她见面)

10. - Wait, you played me? - You... Nelly Yuki? (翻译:等等 你耍我 你 Nelly Yuki?)

11. I'll make you a gift of your gift to Nelly. (翻译:来,我把这个送给你 你再送给乃丽 你是我教女的朋友, 自然也就是我的朋友)

12. My best love to Jack & Nelly and regard for the rest of the family concludes me with the utmost truth & sincerity. (翻译:请转达我对杰克、尼利和其他家人的最诚挚的爱。)

13. I put the orange in his hand, and bade him tell his father that a woman called Nelly Dean was waiting to speak with him, by the garden gate. (翻译:我把桔子放在他的手里,叫他去告诉他父亲,有一个名叫丁耐莉的女人在花园门口等着要跟他说话。)

14. You shall walk with me, Nelly. (翻译:耐莉,你跟我一道走。)

15. Nelly YuKi: What? No, my boyfriend broke up with me at a Florida Concert. (翻译:什么?我男朋友在佛罗里达音乐会上跟我分手了)


