加药系统用英语怎么说 加药系统英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-31 20:20:46傲夏

加药英语是"medicated feed",还网络中常译为"gallinicide",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到60个与加药相关翻译和例句。

1. When ansel got cancer,her wa coping-- painkillers and a sleazebag lover.

译文:当Ansel患上癌症时 她回应竟然是 止痛药加卑劣夫。

加药系统用英语怎么说 加药系统英语翻译

2. That drug, with the Epstein-Barr virus, is associated with common vaable immunodeficiency disease.

译文:那药,加上Epstein -Barr病毒 会导致常见多种免疫疾病。

3. Yeah, it means we need to up yo anxiety meds.

4. A Delivery Study on Polysacchades Hydgel Matx for Colon-specific Drug-given and Sustained Release in Vitra

5. Objective To investigate the efficacy of acupuncte plus medicinal cake separated moxibustion for treating external humeral epicondylitis.

6. So a true elixir of youth would be a drug that would the body's defences in its war against free radicals.

译文:因此,真正长生不老药 应该能够协助体内防御 对抗自由基。

7. Parker, Parker, Parker, Parker...

8. One of these painkillers, and a chaser of whiskey:

9. - Early warning in Alaska is down. - Satellite sials are scrambled.

10. 5,000 milligrams Neontin, 2,000 Elavil.

译文:5000毫克加巴丁[抗癫痫药] 2000毫克盐酸阿米替林[抗抑郁药]。

11. Using Poincare Section Finding Unstable Peodic Orbit in Chen's Chaos

12. You're always good medicine for my distress, Javid.

13. Sees of ViCCO glass ctain wall maintain consistent excellent quality.
