norwegian wood是什么意思 norwegian wood的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-04-01 06:38:46笙箫

1. Etymology(词源): 'Norwegian Wood'是一首名为'Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)'的披头士乐队的歌曲,该曲出现在xx年专辑《Rubber Soul》中。'Norwegian Wood'的意思是挪威的木材,其寓意可能涉及到木材的质量、来源和用途等。

2. Cultural significance(文化意义): 'Norwegian Wood'在英文歌曲中是一个非常著名的词汇,其歌词描述了一段感情故事。这首歌的流行还激发了很多人学习挪威语和文化。同时,此词汇也常被用于描述某些家具或者装饰材料的风格。

norwegian wood是什么意思 norwegian wood的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. Literary reference(文学引用): 'Norwegian Wood'是村上春树的小说名称,本书描述了一个xx岁男孩的回忆录,其中提到了这首披头士的歌曲。


1. I love the sound of Norwegian wood crackling in the fireplace. (我喜欢燃烧在壁炉里的挪威木材发出的声音。)

2. The chair reminds me of the Norwegian wood furniture in my grandmother's house. (这把椅子让我想起了我祖母家里的挪威家具。)

3. Our trip to Norway was amazing, we saw so many beautiful Norwegian wood cabins. (我们的挪威之旅太棒了,我们看到了很多美丽的挪威木材小屋。)

4. The Beatles' 'Norwegian Wood' is one of my favorite songs. (披头士的'Norwegian Wood'是我最喜欢的歌曲之一。)

5. I just finished reading 'Norwegian Wood' by Murakami, it was a thought-provoking book. (我刚刚读完了村上春树的'Norwegian Wood',这是一本很发人深省的书。)


读音:nwidn wd


1. He spent hours lost in thought as he wandered through Norwegian Wood. (他在漫步挪威的森林时,沉浸在思考中度过数小时。)

2. The novel "Norwegian Wood" is a masterpiece of Haruki Murakami. (小说《挪威的森林》是村上春树的一部杰作。)

norwegian wood在中文中有"挪威的森林"的意思,还经常被翻译为挪威的森林,发音是[n:wi:dn wud],norwegian wood常被用作名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到23个与norwegian wood相关的例句。

Norwegian wood的释义


例句:Only Percival finds her again. Takes her back to Bagley Wood. (但是Percival又找到了她 把她带回Bagley Wood)


norwegian wood一般作为名词使用,如在Norwegian(挪威的)、Middle Norwegian([网络] 中挪)、New Norwegian([网络] 新挪威语)等常见短语中出现较多。

Middle Norwegian[网络] 中挪
New Norwegian[网络] 新挪威语
Norwegian Basin[地名] 挪威海盆 ( 挪威海 )
Norwegian buhund[网络] 挪威牧羊犬;挪威布哈德犬
Norwegian Current【海洋学】挪威海流
Norwegian cut挪威式掏槽
Norwegian Deep[地名] 挪威海渊 ( 北海 )
norwegian dunkerhound挪威猎犬


1. Reggie and Wood are going to have a field day with this. (翻译:Reggie和Wood这下可要心满意足了)

2. Sam Taylor-Wood, I'll get you inside! (翻译:Sam Taylor -Wood 给我进去!)

3. This is the mighty WOOD... the musical voice of Lumberton. (翻译:这里是WOOD电台... 伐木镇的音乐之声)

4. We were looking for a melting of the long Norwegian wood building tradition with new sustainable technologies. (翻译:我们在寻求一种融化挪威的森林的长期传统,建设新的可持续的技术。)

5. I wish we could too, Nelson, but Wood and I are dealing in reality. (翻译:我也希望如此,Nelson,可是 Wood和我是在讲事实)

6. - Gimme that other piece of wood. (翻译:- 给我另一块木头 -好的 - Gimme that other piece of wood.)

7. See you later. I tell you. (翻译:- Did you know he was my wood shop teacher?)

8. It's a Norwegian art form... (翻译:它是一个挪威艺术形式——一个挪威武术形式...)

9. Duck River Wood Mill in Mount Vernon, north of Seattle. (翻译:Duck River Wood Mill in Mount Vernon, 西雅图北面.)

10. We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility. (翻译:我们和挪威和 挪威基因资源项目一起合作, 来设计这个设施。)

11. We worked with the Norwegian government and with the NorGen, the Norwegian Genetic Resources Program, to design this facility. (翻译:我们和挪威和 挪威基因资源项目一起合作, 来设计这个设施。)

12. Heat softens the wood filler. (翻译:提供软化木质填料所需的温度 Heat softens the wood filler.)

13. A crucifix is a piece of wood, Telez, only a piece of wood. (翻译:A crucifix is a piece of wood, Telez, only a piece of wood. 十字架是一块木头,特列兹, 不过是一块木头)

14. "So you have to train people to cross boundaries," Mr Ellwood concludes. (翻译:Ell wood总结道:“因此,需要训练人们跨界。” )

15. I found her wandering in the wood (翻译:我发现她在树林中游荡 I found her wandering in the wood)
