to be loved是什么意思 to be loved的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-05-02 08:03:53刪蒢過呿

以下是对“to be loved”的解释及相关例句。希望对您有所帮助:

to be loved是什么意思 to be loved的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:动词,被动语态



- To be loved is one of the greatest feelings in the world.(被爱是世界上最美好的感觉之一。)

- She always wants to be loved by others.(她总是希望被别人爱。)

2. 词性:形容词短语



- The teacher is a kind and caring person who is always loved by her students.(这位老师是一位友善且关心学生的人,总是备受学生爱戴。)

- The singer's new al is highly antited and expected to be loved by audiences.(这位歌手的新专辑备受期待,预计会受到观众的喜爱。)

3. 缩写:TBL

解释:TBL可以代表“To be loved”这个短语,也可以是其他词组的缩写。


- TBL is a universal desire for all people around the world.(被爱是全世界所有人的普遍愿望。)

- The company's TBL policy focuses on sustainability, social responsibility and profitability.(公司的TBL政策关注可持续发展、社会责任和盈利能力。)

4. 表示期望的情态动词结构

解释:在特定情境中,to be loved可以作为情态动词结构,表示期望或者希望。


- I really want my book to be loved by readers all over the world.(我真的希望我的书能够受到全世界读者的喜爱。)

- We need our ideas to be loved and accepted by others in order to make a difference.(我们需要我们的想法被别人所爱戴和接受,才能有所改变。)

5. 误写为“To beloved”的错误用法

解释:有些人可能会将“To be loved”误写为“To beloved”,但这是错误的用法。


- Incorrect: To beloved is one of the greatest feelings in the world.(错误:被宠爱是世界上最美好的感觉之一。)

- Correct: To be loved is one of the greatest feelings in the world.(正确:被爱是世界上最美好的感觉之一。)

to be loved的意思是“被爱”。


读音:/tu bi lvd/


1. Everyone wants to be loved by someone.(每个人都希望被某人爱着。)

2. I think it's important to love yourself first before you can be loved by others.(我认为在你被他人所爱之前,爱自己是很重要的。)

to be loved在英语中代表"网络、被爱的感觉"的意思,还有被爱的意思,单词读音音标为[tobeloved],to be loved是一个英语名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到64个与to be loved相关的例句。

To be loved的释义

例句:# For I have loved you so long, (# For I have loved you so long,)


例句:Past tense for you, maybe. (I loved him as much as you did. maybe.)


例句:I killed my dad, and I loved him. (I killed my dad, and I loved him.)


例句:I always loved watching him sleep. (翻译:我总是喜欢看他睡觉 I always loved watching him sleep.)


to be loved一般作为名词使用,如在loved(v. 热爱(love的过去分词))、loved one([网络] 喜爱的人;爱人;亲人)、loved ones(n. “loved one”的复数\n[网络] 深爱的人;亲人;爱人)等常见短语中出现较多。

lovedv. 热爱(love的过去分词)
loved one[网络] 喜爱的人;爱人;亲人
loved onesn. “loved one”的复数\n[网络] 深爱的人;亲人;爱人
loved'st[网络] 亲爱的
loved'th[网络] 亲爱的
over loved[网络] 因为被爱


1. I killed my dad, and I loved him. (翻译:I killed my dad, and I loved him.)

2. I always loved watching him sleep. (翻译:我总是喜欢看他睡觉 I always loved watching him sleep.)

3. Feel like I could have loved you (翻译:#Feel like I could have loved you#)

4. Ok, and they left loved ones behind. (翻译:and they left loved ones behind.)

5. I'm a woman, and I want to be loved for myself. (翻译:and I want to be loved for myself.)

6. I need to feel loved, too. (翻译:我也需要你的爱 I need to feel loved, too.)

7. Told her I still loved her. (翻译:Lied to her. Told her I still loved her.)

8. ♪ They loved and loathed him right from end to end ♪ (翻译:# They loved and loathed him right from end to end #)

9. He was my favorite son, and I loved him. (翻译:He was my favorite son, and I loved him.)

10. - Yeah, but they all loved their victims. (翻译:but they all loved their victims.)

11. As much as you loved my Uncle? (翻译:As much as you loved my uncle?)

12. Do not inflict it upon your loved ones. (翻译:Do not inflict it upon your loved ones.)

13. You know I loved him, but... (翻译:你知道我爱他 可是 You know I loved him, but...)

14. I wanna be loved by you alone (翻译:I wanna be loved by you alone)

15. For the sake of your loved ones. (翻译:为了你爱的人们 For the sake of your loved ones.)
