成果形式用英语怎么说 成果形式英语翻译

生活学习2024-05-08 19:04:01舍予

成果形式用英语翻译为"the first fruits",其次还可以说成"financial outtn",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到14个与成果形式相关译文和例句。

成果形式用英语怎么说 成果形式英语翻译

1. Her ass is so nice, don't you agree? She's worked so hard. Have a seat.

2. - About the pgress we've made.

3. And here is the fruition of that in actuality.

4. Hi, um, Finch, what do got?

5. - We ain't getting what we expected to get.

6. i want you to go back and carry on the good work.

7. You know, you see the fruits bear...

8. So, this is what we came up with.

9. Here's the stuff fm last night.

10. - in that department lately.

11. - Yes, sir. Ma'am, and this is all.

12. - Okay, hit me. - What we've been practicing.

13. Not a bad day's work, either.
