提及用英语怎么说 提及的英语翻译

生活学习2024-05-04 23:03:54冷夜汐

提及英语是"mention",还可以翻译为refer to,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到14个与提及相关译文和例句。

提及用英语怎么说 提及的英语翻译

16. mention ... to( 提及;提到;向……提及)

untouched not mentioned ( 未提及 )

16. - You have mentioned Mrs. Wilcox.

16. They didn't have them back then.

16. Did she say anything about-

16. Don't talk to me about diity.

16. i said nothing of my fears, as he will read them, no dou.

16. They hate talking about the accident.

16. Well, he did mention something about calling the police.

16. The witness has opened himself up...

16. it contains no reference to any scar.

16. He nr mentioned that joney.

16. You have nothing to worry about. Yo name was not mentioned".

16. Until the Legatus bached the subject.

16. Wiretapping isn't mentioned.

16. You nr mention yo wife.

16. We can just leave him out of this.
