install是什么意思 install的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-05-19 08:04:18煙雨過客

install的意思是安装、安置,是一个动词。常用场景包括安装电子设备、软件、壁橱等等。例如,We need to install a new software on the computer.(我们需要在电脑上安装新的软件。)

install的常见词组搭配包括:installment plan(分期付款计划)、installation art(装置艺术)、installment payment(分期付款)等等。

install是什么意思 install的中文翻译、读音、例句

install的相关短语包括:install someone in a position(安排某人某个职位)、install a sense of responsibility(养成责任感)、install a new battery(更换新电池)等等。




1. It's easy to install this software.(安装这个软件很容易。)

2. Please follow the instructions to install the printer.(请按照说明来安装打印机。)

3. The company will install new equipment next week.(公司下周会安装新的设备。)

4. I can't find the software I installed yesterday.(我找不到昨天安装的软件。)

5. He's going to install a surveillance camera system in his store.(他打算在店里安装监控摄像头系统。)

6. The technician will install the new sound system for the theater.(技术员将为剧院安装新的音响系统。)

7. The landlord is responsible for installing smoke detectors in the apartment.(房东负责在公寓内安装烟雾探测器。)

8. The company will install a new security system to protect its ets.(公司将安装新的安保系统来保护其资产。)

9. The customer service representative guided me through the process of installing the product.(客服代表指导我安装产品的过程。)


读音为 [nstl]


1. I need to install a new software program on my computer. (我需要在电脑上安装一个新的软件程序。)

2. The company sent a team to install the new machinery. (公司派一支队伍来安装新机器。)

3. The landlord will install a new air conditioning system in the apartment. (房东将在公寓里安装新的空调系统。)




例句:Download, compile, and install RJB. (下载、编译和安装rjb。)


例句:Sir, first of all, please install an A/C in the court room. (大人 首先你在法庭装个空调吧 Sir, first of all, pIease install an A/C in the court room.)


例句:The install shield Wizard will install Proteus Professional on your computer. (该安装向导可以将Proteus专业版安装在你的计算机上。)

4.安装 、职

例句:Install loop for backrest release. (翻译:安装靠背释放装置的环。)


install一般作为动词使用,如在install in(在…安装…; 把…安置于…; 委派…担任…)、to install([网络] 安装;设置;包含安装程序)、full install(完全[重新]安装)等常见短语中出现较多。

install in在…安装…; 把…安置于…; 委派…担任…
to install[网络] 安装;设置;包含安装程序
full install完全[重新]安装
install cost[工经] 安装费
install driver安装驱动程序\n[计] 安装驱动程序
install in parallel并联
install in series[化] 串联; 串联安装
install machinery安装机器
install now现在安装


1. The install shield Wizard will install Proteus Professional on your computer. (翻译:该安装向导可以将Proteus专业版安装在你的计算机上。)

2. Install loop for backrest release. (翻译:安装靠背释放装置的环。)

3. Flush type install in WHC. (翻译:嵌入式安装在驾控台。)

4. And install it in the kitchen. (翻译:最后装在厨房里就好了 {\3cH202020}And install it in the kitchen.)

5. To install: Find "virtualbox-ose" in Synaptic Package Manager and install it from there. (翻译:如何安装:在Synaptic管理器中找到“virtualbox - ose”软件包并安装。)

6. Install and configure Jakarta tomcat. (翻译:安装和配置Jakarta tomcat。)

7. Your distribution may come with Puppet, or you can quickly install it with gem install puppet facter. (翻译:您的发布可能由 Puppet 完成,或者您可以快速地使用 gem install puppet facter 进行安装。)

8. Install headliner in rear area. (翻译:安装尾部区域的车顶衬里。)

9. OPM EI install dir>\configuration\cfgtool.bat (翻译:Windows: OPM EI install dir>\configuration\cfgtool.bat )

10. Get the gem and install it using the "gem install" comand. (翻译:获取gem,并使用“geminstall”命令安装它。)

11. Download and install Django as follows. (翻译:按照以下步骤下载并安装django。)

12. The installation of this rpm is handled by the install. sh script, which then installs MSJ. (翻译:这个rpm的安装是通过install.sh脚本进行的,然后会安装MSJ。)

13. Install headliner for rear lid. (翻译:安装后盖的车顶衬里。)

14. All that's left to do is install it with sudo make install. (翻译:剩下的工作就是使用sudomakeinstall进行安装。)

15. The resource adapter will install on the server. (翻译:资源适配器将安装在服务器上。)


