corona是什么意思 corona的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-07-20 20:05:48坠山崖



corona是什么意思 corona的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:corona discharge(放电现象),corona effect(电晕效应),corona virus()。

短语:corona beer(科罗娜啤酒)



1. The corona of the sun is visible from earth during a total solar eclipse.(太阳日冕在全食期间可以从地球上看到。)

2. The corona virus outbreak has caused a global pandemic.(爆发导致了全球大流行。)

3. The electric field around the conductor caused corona discharge.(导体周围的电场导致了电晕放电。)

4. The corona effect can cause damage to electrical equipment.(电晕效应可能会对电气设备造成损坏。)

5. I ordered a corona beer at the bar.(我在酒吧点了一杯科罗娜啤酒。)



1. L'epidemia di corona virus ha causato una grave crisi sanitaria in tutto il mondo. (意大利语,的意思: 新型的流行引发了全球严重的卫生危机。)

2. La mayora de las personas infectadas con el corona virus experimentan sntomas leves a moderados. (西班牙语,的意思: 与感染的大多数人经历轻度到中度的症状。)

3. Corona vrus: como se prevenir? (葡萄牙语,的意思::如何预防?)

4. La pandemia de corona virus ha afectado a la economa global y ha llevado a muchas personas al desempleo. (西班牙语,的意思: 的大流行影响了全球经济,导致许多人失业。)

5. A pandemia de corona vrus mudou a forma como as pessoas trabalham e se comunicam. (葡萄牙语,的意思: 大流行改变了人们工作和交流的方式。)

6. Les masques faciaux sont devenus obligatoires pour prvenir la propagation du corona virus. (法语,的意思: 为了防止的传播,佩戴口罩已成为强制性的。)

7. Die Corona-Pandemie hat die Tourismus-Branche schwer getroffen. (德语,的意思:大流行给旅游业带来了沉重的打击。)

8. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the virus that causes corona virus disease (COVID-19). (英语,的意思: 严重急性呼吸综合症2(SARS-CoV-2)是导致病(COVID-19)的病毒。)

9. 最初、コロナウイルスは動物から人へと感染していたと考えられている。(日语,的意思:最初,认为是从动物传染到人类的。)





1. During a total solar eclipse, the sun's corona is visible.


2. The painting was surrounded by a beautiful corona of light.


corona通常被翻译为"日冕 、罗"的意思,其次还有"人名"的意思,单词读音音标为['krn],corona是一个英语名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到81个与corona相关的句子。



例句:Most of the heat in the corona, said Klimchuk, is apparently still released by the snapping of stressed magnetic fields in the corona. (他说,日冕层的大部分热量,很明显地仍是通过日冕层中应力磁场的强烈作用而释放出来的。)


例句:The corona protective materials and design of VPI electric machines (整浸高压电机用防晕结构设计及防晕材料的研究)


例句:Corona lobes ovate, pouched, apex obtuse and covering middle of anthers. (副花冠裂片形,把放入袋中,先端钝并且包括的花药的中间。)


例句:I'm walking on the Foster Ranch between Corona and Roswell, New Mexico. (翻译:不准穿越 打猎或钓鱼 违者依法处罚 我正走在新墨西哥州科罗纳 和罗斯威尔之间的蓄养农场)


corona一般作为名词使用,如在Corona Australis(南冕座 )、diffraction corona(衍射晕)、E corona(E冕)等常见短语中出现较多。

Corona Australis南冕座
diffraction corona衍射晕
E coronaE冕
emission corona发射日冕
electric corona电晕放电
electrical corona【电工学】电晕
external corona外电晕
F coronaF冕
Fraunhofer corona夫琅和费日冕
galactic corona银冕


1. Corona lobes ovate, pouched, apex obtuse and covering middle of anthers. (翻译:副花冠裂片形,把放入袋中,先端钝并且包括的花药的中间。)

2. I'm walking on the Foster Ranch between Corona and Roswell, New Mexico. (翻译:不准穿越 打猎或钓鱼 违者依法处罚 我正走在新墨西哥州科罗纳 和罗斯威尔之间的蓄养农场)

3. there were other bodies found not far from landing zone one, the Mac Brazel site between Corona and Roswell that looked (翻译:登陆地点一附近又发现尸体 就在科罗纳和罗斯威尔之间 Mac Brazel负责的地点)

4. What we are going to look for are waves in the corona. (翻译:我们想要寻找日冕中的热波。)

5. - I'd never know whether I was going to fall... from a high building or... get beaten up by six or seven thugs... or have my head blown off by a Corona Corona. (翻译:跟你在一起 我从来不知道我是否会坠...)

6. You took the Seven train. Corona? (翻译:你搭乘Seven train,Corona站吗?)

7. Changes we see in the corona reflect changes deep inside the sun. (翻译:日冕的变化反映的是太阳内部的变化。)

8. - We've been looking all over for you. - We walked halfway from Corona. (翻译:我们一直在找你 我们从可洛纳走了半程才找到一辆卡车过来)

9. The sun burst out, the blue sky returned, the stars and the planets and the corona were gone. (翻译:阳光重现, 蓝天回归, 星星和日冕不见了。)

10. By using data of Nobeyama radio heliograph, we calculate value of magnetic field in lower corona in some active region from thermal bremsstrahlung, and preliminary result has been obtained. (翻译:利用Nobeyama射电日像仪的观测资料,以热轫致辐射机制为基础对一些活动区的高层大气磁场进行了估算,得到了一些初步的结果。)

11. The corona's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun's north and south poles. (翻译:光环带的光束像一把流光折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。)

12. Mrs. Moore called a number of doctors at Corona General in the weeks preceding. (翻译:摩尔夫人在前几周给科罗娜综合医院的 Mrs. Moore called a number of doctors at Corona General 许多医生打了电话 in the weeks preceding.)

13. Solar eclipses allow scientists to see the gases surrounding the sun, or its corona. (翻译:科学家们能够在日食发生时观测到围绕在太阳周围的气体,也称日冕。)

14. It could be Corona, Jackson Heights, East Elmhurst. (翻译:可能是Corona,Jackson Heights, East Elmhurst.)

15. It's in a lockbox at the Corona del Oro club, - and you're a member. (翻译:就在金冠俱乐部的一个锁柜中 而你是那里的会员)
