原一平用英语怎么说 原一平的英语翻译

生活学习2024-07-21 17:05:47慕芹

原一平英语为"open width",还可以翻译为gravel plain,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到50个与原一平相关短语释义和例句。

1. Come on, Pinkie. Have a dnk.

2. But Pincho -- i called him "Pincho" -- Pincho decided that he wanted to escape.

原一平用英语怎么说 原一平的英语翻译

3. -And this is the first oginal i've r seen.

4. Afterwards, you made Kyohei bng back the lid over the chimney - and confirmed Mr. Tsukahara's death.

译文:之后再叫恭平回收烟囱上纸盒 你去确认冢原状况。

5. ippei told me i should come in.

6. Kill Kyohei and Tanaka for me

7. The world just saw the Hulk. The real Hulk, for the first time.
